A major distinguishing feature of user accounts is that you retrieve authentication tokens by logging in through a classic email/password combination. However, the full login & registration flow is quite complex, and involves several steps.
Discord uses fingerprints to persist experiments throughout the authentication flow. For more information about fingerprints, see the relevant experiment documentation.
If the client is unauthenticated, a fingerprint should be generated using Get Experiment Assignments and included in the X-Fingerprint
header as well as any applicable fingerprint
JSON parameters until authentication is complete.
Discord uses sessions to track the user's authentication state. A session is created when the user logs in and is invalidated when the user logs out or the session expires. Sessions are unique to a single authentication token and keep track of the last location they were used from. Suspicious sessions may be flagged by Discord and lead to the account being locked, requiring the user to reset their password.
The authentication session ID corresponding to the current Gateway session is given in the auth_session_id_hash
field in the Ready event.
If the current Gateway session's authentication session ever changes (e.g. due to a password reset), the client will receive an Auth Session Change Gateway event.
Auth Session Object
Auth Session Structure
Field | Type | Description |
id_hash | string | The session ID hash |
approx_last_used_time | ISO8601 timestamp | When the session was last used |
client_info | auth session client info object | The client last associated with the session |
Auth Session Client Info Structure
Field | Type | Description |
os | ?string | The operating system of the client |
platform | ?string | The name of the client or browser platform |
location | ?string | The approximate location of the client |
Example Auth Session
{"id_hash": "y3vq9yYww3Y1yAhc4ChuRtCOHADRu0gTPoIU5y3DcS4=","approx_last_used_time": "2024-03-30T21:30:58.100231+00:00","client_info": {"os": "Windows","platform": "Discord Client","location": "San Francisco, California, United States"}}
Get Auth Sessions
Returns up to 50 of the user's active authentication sessions.
Response Body
Field | Type | Description |
user_sessions | array[auth session object] | Active authentication sessions for the user |
Logout Auth Sessions
Invalidates a list of authentication sessions. Returns a 204 empty response on success.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
session_id_hashes | array[string] | The session ID hashes to invalidate (1-64) |
The login process is the first step in authenticating a user.
To log in, a client must first use the Login Account endpoint with the user's email/phone number and password. If the user has multi-factor authentication enabled, the client must use the Verify MFA Login endpoint to complete the login process after a successful response.
If a known JSON error code is returned, the client must handle the error accordingly (e.g. prompt the user to undelete their account or verify their phone number). If a form body error is returned, the client should display the error message to the user.
Once the user is logged in, the client should store the authentication token to avoid having to log in again in the future.
Passwordless Login
An alternative to the traditional email/password login flow is the WebAuthn Conditional UI flow. This allows users to log in using an WebAuthn device (e.g. a security key) instead of a password.
To use this flow, the client must first generate a challenge using the Start Passwordless Login endpoint. After the user completes the WebAuthn challenge, the client must use the Finish Passwordless Login endpoint to complete the login process. Using this flow, you must still take care to handle any errors as outlined above.
Authentication Handoff
The handoff process is used to securely transfer the user's authentication state between two clients, commonly used to authenticate the Discord website from a native client and vice-versa.
To handoff authentication to another client, the source client must first use the Create Handoff Token endpoint to generate a handoff token. The token should then be passed to the target client, which can use the Exchange Handoff Token endpoint to retrieve a new authentication token.
Note that handoff tokens are single-use and valid only for the IP address they were generated from.
Login Account
Retrieves an authentication token for the given credentials.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
login | string | The user's email or E.164-formatted phone number |
password | string | The user's password (8-72 characters) |
undelete? 1 | boolean | Whether to undelete a self-disabled or self-deleted account (default false) |
login_source? | ?string | The source of the login request |
gift_code_sku_id? | ?string | The SKU ID of the gift code that initiated the login request |
1 If you get an account disabled (20013
) or marked for deletion (20011
) JSON error code, you can undelete the account by setting this parameter.
Login Source
Where a login is initiated from outside of the normal login flow.
Value | Description |
gift | Login request initiated from a gift code |
guild_template | Login request initiated from a guild template |
guild_invite | Login request initiated from a guild invite |
dm_invite | Login request initiated from a group DM invite |
friend_invite | Login request initiated from a friend invite |
role_subscription | Login request initiated from a role subscription redirect |
role_subscription_setting | Login request initiated from a role subscription settings redirect |
Response Body
Field | Type | Description |
user_id | snowflake | The ID of the user that was logged in |
token? | string | The authentication token, if the login was completed |
user_settings? | login settings object | The user's partial settings, if the login was completed |
required_actions? | array[string] | The required actions that must be completed before continuing to use Discord |
ticket? | string | A ticket to be used in the multi-factor authentication flow |
mfa? | boolean | Whether multi-factor authentication is required to login (default false) |
totp? | boolean | Whether the user has TOTP-based multi-factor authentication enabled |
sms? | boolean | Whether the user has SMS-based multi-factor authentication enabled |
backup? | boolean | Whether backup codes can be used for multi-factor authentication |
webauthn? | ?string | The stringified JSON public key credential request options challenge for WebAuthn |
Login Settings Structure
A partial settings object to bootstrap the client with.
Field | Type | Description |
locale | string | The language option chosen by the user |
theme | string | The client theme selected by the user |
Login Required Action Type
Actions the user must complete after a successful login.
Value | Description |
update_password | The user must change their password to meet Discord's new password requirements |
Example Response (Completed)
{"user_id": "852892297661906993","token": "ODUyODkyMjk3NjYxOTA2OTkz.GX5Xdp.22jsdSqEiHLUYEJSsjeq_vJKLpOofd5QMksqw32e","user_settings": {"locale": "en-US","theme": "dark"},"required_actions": ["update_password"]}
Example Response (MFA Required)
{"user_id": "852892297661906993","mfa": true,"sms": true,"ticket": "ODUyODkyMjk3NjYxOTA2OTkz.H2Rpq0.WrhGhYEhM3lHUPN61xF6JcQKwVutk8fBvcoHjo","backup": true,"totp": true,"webauthn": "{\"publicKey\":{\"challenge\":\"a8a1cHP7_zYheggFG68zKUkl8DwnEqfKvPE-GOMvhss\",\"timeout\":60000,\"rpId\":\"\",\"allowCredentials\":[{\"type\":\"public-key\",\"id\":\"izrvF80ogrfg9dC3RmWWwW1VxBVBG0TzJVXKOJl__6FvMa555dH4Trt2Ub8AdHxNLkQsc0unAGcn4-hrJHDKSO\"}],\"userVerification\":\"preferred\"}}","required_actions": ["update_password"]}
Verify MFA Login
Verifies a multi-factor login and retrieves an authentication token using the specified authenticator type.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
ticket | string | The MFA ticket received from the login request |
code 1 | string | The MFA code (TOTP, SMS, backup, or WebAuthn) to be verified |
login_source? | ?string | The source of the login request |
gift_code_sku_id? | ?string | The SKU ID of the gift code that initiated the login request |
1 For WebAuthn authentication, the code
parameter should be a stringified JSON object of the public key credential response.
Response Body
Field | Type | Description |
token | string | The authentication token |
user_settings | login settings object | The user's partial settings |
Example Response (Completed)
{"token": "ODUyODkyMjk3NjYxOTA2OTkz.GX5Xdp.22jsdSqEiHLUYEJSsjeq_vJKLpOofd5QMksqw32e","user_settings": {"locale": "en-US","theme": "dark"}}
Start Passwordless Login
Generates a challenge to start the conditional UI flow for WebAuthn login.
Response Body
Field | Type | Description |
ticket | string | The WebAuthn login ticket |
challenge | string | The stringified JSON public key credential request options challenge for WebAuthn |
Example Response
{"challenge": "{\"publicKey\":{\"challenge\":\"sLPruFUWBzowZjYy5d2caF2067pw44butrN0iHm_8k4\",\"timeout\":60000,\"rpId\":\"\",\"allowCredentials\":[],\"userVerification\":\"required\",\"extensions\":{\"uvm\":true}},\"mediation\":\"conditional\"}","ticket": "b9f98b82-c3a7-49b6-b881-f83418fa2dbe"}
Finish Passwordless Login
Retrieves an authentication token for the given WebAuthn credentials.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
ticket | string | The WebAuthn login ticket received from the Start Passwordless Login endpoint |
credential | string | The stringified JSON public key credential response for WebAuthn |
login_source? | ?string | The source of the login request |
gift_code_sku_id? | ?string | The SKU ID of the gift code that initiated the login request |
Response Body
Field | Type | Description |
user_id | snowflake | The ID of the user that was logged in |
token | string | The authentication token |
user_settings | login settings object | The user's partial settings |
required_actions? | array[string] | The required actions that must be completed before continuing to use Discord |
Example Response
{"user_id": "852892297661906993","token": "ODUyODkyMjk3NjYxOTA2OTkz.GX5Xdp.22jsdSqEiHLUYEJSsjeq_vJKLpOofd5QMksqw32e","user_settings": {"locale": "en-US","theme": "dark"},"required_actions": ["update_password"]}
Authorize IP Address
Authorizes the client's IP address for login. Returns a 204 empty response on success.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
token | string | The verification token received from the email or phone number verification process |
Create Handoff Token
Creates a handoff token to transfer the user's authentication state to another client.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
key | string | A unique key to identify the handoff request (e.g. a random UUID) |
Response Body
Field | Type | Description |
handoff_token | string | The handoff token to pass to the target; this is not an authentication token |
Exchange Handoff Token
Exchanges a handoff token for an authentication token. Handoff tokens can only be exchanged once and are only valid from the same IP address they were created from.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
key | string | The unique key used to create the handoff token |
handoff_token | string | The handoff token received from the Create Handoff Token endpoint |
Response Body
Field | Type | Description |
token | string | The authentication token |
user | partial user object | The user that was authenticated |
Potential users must register an account before they are able to use most of the platform.
The full registration process involves choosing a username & display name, providing an email address or phone number, setting a password, and providing a date of birth. However, the client can choose to skip some of these steps to provide a more streamlined registration experience, such as when viewing an invite or gift code.
To register, the client should first retrieve the user's location metadata to determine whether explicit consent is required. Then, they can use the Register Account endpoint to create a new account with the provided credentials. Throughout the process, they can use the Get Unique Username Suggestions to get username suggestions for the user's display name and Get Unique Username Eligibility endpoints to validate the username's availability.
Once the user is registered, the client should store the authentication token to avoid having to log in again in the future.
Phone Registration
Clients can alternatively register an account using a phone number. To do so, the client must first use the Register by Phone Number endpoint to send a verification code to the user's phone number. Then, the client must verify the phone number using the received code before completing the registration using the Register Account endpoint as usual. {/ todo: link this here /}
Register Account
Creates a new account and retrieves an authentication token for the given credentials.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
username? 1 | string | The username to register (default random) |
global_name? 1 | ?string | The display name to register |
email? | string | The user's email address |
phone_token? | string | The phone number verification token received from the phone registration flow |
password? | string | The user's password (8-72 characters) |
date_of_birth? | ISO8601 date | The user's date of birth |
fingerprint? 2 | string | The fingerprint to use for registration |
invite? 3 | ?string | The invite code that initiated the registration |
guild_template_code? | ?string | The guild template code that initiated the registration |
gift_code_sku_id? | ?string | The SKU ID of the gift code that initiated the registration |
consent? 4 | boolean | Whether the user agrees to Discord's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy |
promotional_email_opt_in? 4 | boolean | Whether the user explicitly opts-in/out to receiving promotional emails from Discord |
1 One of username
or global_name
must be provided. A valid username can be retrieved using the Get Unique Username Suggestions endpoint and validated using the Get Unique Username Eligibility endpoint. See the Usernames and Nicknames section for more information on username restrictions.
2 This value should be set to the same fingerprint used throughout the authentication flow. Upon valid registration, the new account will share the same ID as the fingerprint to ensure experiment continuity.
3 Upon valid registration, this invite code will automatically be accepted.
4 Clients can determine whether explicit consent is required by using the Get Location Metadata endpoint.
Response Body
Field | Type | Description |
token | string | The authentication token |
show_verification_form? | boolean | Whether the user should be shown the joined guild's member verification form |
Example Response
{"token": "ODUyODkyMjk3NjYxOTA2OTkz.GX5Xdp.22jsdSqEiHLUYEJSsjeq_vJKLpOofd5QMksqw32e","show_verification_form": true}
Register by Phone Number
Sends a verification code to the user's phone number to register an account. Returns a 204 empty response on success. The verification code should be first used to verify the phone number before completing the registration. {/ todo: link this here /}
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
phone | string | The user's E.164-formatted phone number |
Get Location Metadata
Returns the location metadata for the user's IP address.
Response Body
Field | Type | Description |
country_code | string | The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the user's IP address |
consent_required | boolean | Whether the user must explicitly agree to Discord's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy in order to register |
promotional_email_opt_in | promotional email metadata object | Promotional email consent metadata |
Promotional Email Metadata Structure
Field | Type | Description |
required | boolean | Whether the user must explicitly agree to receive promotional emails from Discord |
pre_checked | boolean | Whether the promotional email consent checkbox should be pre-checked, if explicit consent is required |
Example Response
{"consent_required": false,"country_code": "CA","promotional_email_opt_in": {"required": true,"pre_checked": false}}
Get Unique Username Suggestions
Returns a suggested unique username string for the user to register with.
Query String Params
Field | Type | Description |
global_name? | string | The global name to base the username suggestions on (default random) |
Response Body
Field | Type | Description |
username | string | The suggested username |
Example Response
{ "username": "gnarp.gnap" }
Get Unique Username Eligibility
Checks whether a unique username is available for the user to register with.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
username | string | The username to check |
Response Body
Field | Type | Description |
taken | boolean | Whether the username is taken |
Example Response
{ "taken": true }
To log out, the client must use the Logout endpoint with the user's authentication token. This is used to invalidate the token and prevent further push notifications from being sent to the client. See the push notifications section for more information.
Invalidates the given authentication session and unregisters the provided push notification token.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
provider? | string | The push notification provider to revoke |
token? | string | The push notification token to unregister |
voip_provider? 1 | string | The VOIP push notification provider to revoke the token from |
voip_token? 1 | string | The VOIP push notification token to unregister |
1 VOIP-specific push notification tokens are only used with PushKit on iOS.
Password Recovery
If a user has forgotten their password, they can reset it using either their email address or phone number. To initiate a password reset, the client should use the Forgot Password endpoint.
To complete the password reset, the user must either retrieve the password reset token from their email or by verifying their phone number. Then, the client can use the Reset Password endpoint to set a new password.
Forgot Password
Initiates the password reset process for the given email or phone number. Returns a 204 empty response on success.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
login | string | The user's email or E.164-formatted phone number |
Reset Password
Resets the user's password and retrieves an authentication token.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
token | string | The password reset token received from the email or phone number verification |
password | string | The user's new password (8-72 characters) |
source? | string | The source path the password reset was initiated from (e.g. /reset ) |
ticket? | string | The MFA ticket received from the previous request |
code? 1 | string | The MFA code (TOTP, SMS, backup, or WebAuthn) to be verified |
1 For WebAuthn authentication, the code
parameter should be a stringified JSON object of the public key credential response.
Response Body
Field | Type | Description |
token? | string | The authentication token, if the password reset was completed |
user_id? | snowflake | The ID of the user whose password was reset, if MFA verification is required |
ticket? | string | A ticket to be used when retrying the request with multi-factor authentication |
mfa? | boolean | Whether multi-factor authentication is required to reset the password (default false) |
totp? | boolean | Whether the user has TOTP-based multi-factor authentication enabled |
sms? | boolean | Whether the user has SMS-based multi-factor authentication enabled |
backup? | boolean | Whether backup codes can be used for multi-factor authentication |
webauthn? | ?string | The stringified JSON public key credential request options challenge for WebAuthn |
Example Response (Completed)
{ "token": "ODUyODkyMjk3NjYxOTA2OTkz.GX5Xdp.22jsdSqEiHLUYEJSsjeq_vJKLpOofd5QMksqw32e" }
Example Response (MFA Required)
{"user_id": "852892297661906993","mfa": true,"sms": true,"ticket": "ODUyODkyMjk3NjYxOTA2OTkz.H2Rpq0.WrhGhYEhM3lHUPN61xF6JcQKwVutk8fBvcoHjo","backup": true,"totp": true,"webauthn": "{\"publicKey\":{\"challenge\":\"a8a1cHP7_zYheggFG68zKUkl8DwnEqfKvPE-GOMvhss\",\"timeout\":60000,\"rpId\":\"\",\"allowCredentials\":[{\"type\":\"public-key\",\"id\":\"izrvF80ogrfg9dC3RmWWwW1VxBVBG0TzJVXKOJl__6FvMa555dH4Trt2Ub8AdHxNLkQsc0unAGcn4-hrJHDKSO\"}],\"userVerification\":\"preferred\"}}"}
Account Recovery
Account recovery is a feature intended for post-takeover recovery after an attacker has already changed the victim's email, password, phone number or MFA settings.
Upon an email change, Discord will email the victim about the change and give them the option to start the account recovery process.
The email will include a link that redirects to the official Discord client with a revert token present in the URL (e.g.
This token is valid for two days.
This token can be used with the Revert Account endpoint to revert the account back to the previous settings. Upon completion, the current phone number is removed from the account and all phone numbers previously associated with the account are blacklisted. This prevents a follow-up takeover via sim-jacking.
Revert Account
Recovers an account after account takeover. This endpoint will:
- Invalidate the revert token used
- Invalidate all authorization tokens and active Gateway sessions associated with the account
- Set the account's email back to the original
- Set the account's password to the one provided
- Remove MFA from the account
- Remove and blacklist all phone numbers previously associated with the account
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
token | string | The revert token from the recovery email |
password | string | The new password for the account |
Response Body
Field | Type | Description |
string | The account's restored email |
Example Response
{ "email": "" }
MFA Verification
In some cases, you may be required to verify your identify using multi-factor authentication before performing certain sensitive actions. When this occurs, you'll receive a 401 unauthorized error with a special error response body:
MFA Required Response Structure
Field | Type | Description |
message | string | A message saying that multi-factor authentication is required for the operation |
code | integer | An error code (will always be 60003 ) |
mfa | MFA verification request object | The multi-factor authentication verification request |
MFA Verification Request Structure
Field | Type | Description |
ticket | string | The MFA ticket |
methods | array | An array of MFA methods that can be used to verify the user's identity |
MFA Method Structure
Field | Type | Description |
type | string | The type of MFA method that can be used to verify the user's identity |
challenge? | string | The stringified JSON public key credential request options challenge for WebAuthn |
backup_codes_allowed? | boolean | Whether backup codes can be used in addition to TOTP codes |
Authenticator Type
Value | Description |
totp | Verification using a TOTP code or backup code |
sms | Verification using a code sent to the user's phone number via SMS |
backup | Verification using a backup code |
webauthn | Verification using a WebAuthn device |
password 1 | Verification using the user's password |
1 The user password is used to authenticate in certain cases if the user has not enabled any other MFA methods.
Example MFA Required Response
{"message": "Two factor is required for this operation","code": 60003,"mfa": {"ticket": "ODUyODkyMjk3NjYxOTA2OTkz.H2Rpq0.WrhGhYEhM3lHUPN61xF6JcQKwVutk8fBvcoHjo","methods": [{"type": "webauthn","challenge": "{\"publicKey\":{\"challenge\":\"a8a1cHP7_zYheggFG68zKUkl8DwnEqfKvPE-GOMvhss\",\"timeout\":60000,\"rpId\":\"\",\"allowCredentials\":[{\"type\":\"public-key\",\"id\":\"izrvF80ogrfg9dC3RmWWwW1VxBVBG0TzJVXKOJl__6FvMa555dH4Trt2Ub8AdHxNLkQsc0unAGcn4-hrJHDKSO\"}],\"userVerification\":\"preferred\"}}"},{"type": "totp","backup_codes_allowed": true},{"type": "sms"},{"type": "backup"}]}}
To verify, you must use the Verify MFA endpoint with the ticket retrieved from the error response.
The retrieved verification JWT can then be inserted into the X-Discord-MFA-Authorization
header and the original request can be retried.
Upon successful elevation, the verification JWT will be returned in a __Secure-recent_mfa
cookie that temporary bypasses MFA for the next 5 minutes.
Verify MFA
Verifies a user's identity using multi-factor authentication. On success, returns a cookie that can be used to bypass MFA for the next 5 minutes.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
ticket | string | The MFA ticket received from the MFA required response |
mfa_type | string | The authenticator type used to verify the user's identity |
data 1 | string | The MFA data (TOTP, SMS, backup, WebAuthn, or password) to be verified |
1 For WebAuthn authentication, the data
parameter should be a stringified JSON object of the public key credential response.
Response Body
Field | Type | Description |
token | string | The MFA verification JWT (expires after 5 minutes) |
Example Response
{"token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE3MTA4MDY4MDQsIm5iZiI6MTcxMDgwNjgwNCwiZXhwIjoxNzEwODA3MTA0LCJpc3MiOiJ1cm46ZGlzY29yZC1hcGkiLCJhdWQiOiJ1cm46ZGlzY29yZC1tZmEtcmVwcm9tcHQiLCJ1c2VyIjo4NTI4OTIyOTc2NjE5MDY5OTN9.vOCStK0Aj873VaF_cLmSlcnAfw7SO0jrwSeCpkSUvO3li-1jxzwewxY4Ak4fyZvb6VeJtSW-r8_Pfw8HTj8P6w"}
Sends a multi-factor authentication code to the user's phone number for verification.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
ticket | string | The MFA ticket received from the login request or MFA required response |
Response Body
Field | Type | Description |
phone | string | The redacted phone number the SMS was sent to |
Example Response
{ "phone": "+*******0085" }