User Settings
User settings are options that a user can configure to change the behavior of their account or client. User guild settings are used to control notifications and other customization options on a per-guild basis.
User Settings Proto Object
This object is actually a serialized protobuf message. The individual fields are not yet documented, but the .proto files are available on this repository.
User Settings Proto Type
Value | Name | Description |
1 | PRELOADED | General Discord user settings |
2 | FRECENCY | Frecency and favorites storage |
3 | TEST_SETTINGS | Unknown |
Legacy User Settings Object
Contains general user settings. This is deprecated in favour of protobuf user settings.
Legacy User Settings Structure
Field | Type | Description |
activity_joining_restricted_guild_ids | array[snowflake] | The IDs of guilds that will not be able to join your current activity |
activity_restricted_guild_ids | array[snowflake] | The IDs of guilds your activity presence will be hidden in |
afk_timeout | integer | Duration (in seconds) the user needs to be inactive until clients update their AFK state |
allow_accessibility_detection | boolean | Whether to allow Discord to track screen reader usage |
allow_activity_party_privacy_friends | boolean | Whether to allow friends to join your activity without sending a request |
allow_activity_party_privacy_voice_channel 1 | boolean | Whether to allow people in the same voice channel as you to join your activity without sending a request |
animate_emoji | boolean | Whether to play animated emojis in chat |
animate_stickers | integer | When to animate stickers in chat |
contact_sync_enabled | boolean | Whether to enable contact sync on Discord mobile |
convert_emoticons | boolean | Whether to convert emoticons into emojis (:) -> 🙂 ) |
custom_status | ?custom status object | The custom status of the user, used to sync presence across clients |
default_guilds_restricted | boolean | Whether to automatically disable DMs between you and members of new guilds you join |
detect_platform_accounts | boolean | Whether to automatically detect accounts from services like Steam and Blizzard when opening the Discord client |
developer_mode | boolean | Whether to enable developer mode in-client |
disable_games_tab | boolean | Whether to disable the showing of the Games tab |
enable_tts_command | boolean | Whether to allow TTS messages to be played/sent |
explicit_content_filter | integer | The explicit content filter for explicit content in all messages |
friend_discovery_flags | integer | The friend discovery flags |
friend_source_flags | ?friend source flags object | The friend source flags (default all false) |
gif_auto_play | boolean | Whether GIFs are automatically played when Discord client is in focus |
guild_folders | array[guild folder object] | The guild folders |
inline_attachment_media | boolean | Whether to display attachments when they are uploaded in chat |
inline_embed_media | boolean | Whether to display videos and images from links posted in chat |
locale | string | The language option chosen by the user |
message_display_compact | boolean | Whether to use the compact Discord display mode |
native_phone_integration_enabled | boolean | Whether to enable the new Discord mobile phone number friend requesting feature |
passwordless (deprecated) | boolean | Whether to enable passwordless login |
render_embeds | boolean | Whether to render message embeds |
render_reactions | boolean | Whether to render message reactions |
restricted_guilds | array[snowflake] | The IDs of guilds that you will not receive DMs from |
show_current_game | boolean | Whether to display the currently active game in user presence |
status | string | The status of the user, used to sync presence across clients |
stream_notifications_enabled | boolean | Whether to receive stream notifications for friends |
theme | string | The theme |
timezone_offset | integer | The timezone offset from UTC to use (in minutes) |
view_nsfw_commands | boolean | Whether NSFW application commands are shown in DMs |
view_nsfw_guilds | boolean | Whether NSFW guilds are shown on iOS |
1 Does not apply to community guilds.
Sticker Animation Option
Value | Name | Description |
0 | ALWAYS_ANIMATE | Always animate stickers |
1 | ANIMATE_ON_INTERACTION | Animate sticker on interaction |
2 | NEVER_ANIMATE | Never animate stickers |
Legacy Custom Status Structure
Field | Type | Description |
text | ?string | The custom status text (max 128) |
emoji_id 1 | ?snowflake | The ID of a guild's custom emoji |
emoji_name 1 | ?string | The unicode character of the emoji |
expires_at | ?ISO8601 timestamp | When the custom status will expire |
1 At most one of emoji_id
and emoji_name
may be set to a non-null value.
Legacy Client Theme
The client theme denotes the theme the user has set in their client.
Value | Description |
dark | Dark theme |
light | Light theme |
Explicit Content Filter
Whose messages will be scanned for explicit content.
Value | Name | Description |
0 | DISABLED | Don't scan any direct messages |
1 | NON_FRIENDS | Scan all direct messages that aren't from friends |
2 | ALL_MESSAGES | Scan all direct messages from everyone |
Friend Discovery Flags
Determines how you get recommended friends.
Value | Name | Description |
1 << 1 | FIND_BY_PHONE | Whether the current user can be found by phone number |
1 << 2 | FIND_BY_EMAIL | Whether the current user can be found by email |
Legacy Friend Source Flags Structure
Determines who can add the user as a friend.
Field | Type | Description |
all? | boolean | Whether everyone can add user as friend |
mutual_friends? | boolean | Whether mutual user friends add user as friend |
mutual_guilds? | boolean | Whether any user from mutual guild can add user as friend |
Legacy Guild Folder Structure
A collection of guilds.
Field | Type | Description |
color | ?integer | The color of the folder encoded as an integer representation of hexadecimal color code |
guild_ids | array[snowflake] | The IDs of guilds this folder contains |
id | ?integer | The ID of the folder |
name | ?string | The name of the folder (default ', '.join( for guild in folder.guilds) ) |
Consents Object
Contains the user's tracking feature consent status.
Consents Structure
This object is a map of consent types to their status.
Consent Type
Value | Description |
personalization | Whether the user has consented to their data being used for personalization |
usage_statistics 1 | Whether the user has consented to their data being used for usage statistics |
1 Only included when fetched from the Get User Consents endpoint.
Consent Status Structure
Field | Type | Description |
consented | boolean | Whether the user has consented to the feature |
Email Settings Object
Email communication preferences.
Email Settings Structure
Field | Type | Description |
initialized | boolean | Whether the email settings have been initialized |
categories | map[string, boolean] | The email settings categories and their enabled status |
Email Settings Category
Value | Description |
communication | Receive emails for missed calls and messages |
social | Receive emails for friend requests, friend suggestions, or events |
recommendations_and_events | Receive emails for recommended guilds and events |
tips | Receive emails for advice and tricks |
updates_and_announcements | Receive emails for updates and new features |
family_center_digest | Receive weekly emails for recent family activity |
Notification Settings Object
User-wide notification settings.
Notification Settings Structure
Field | Type | Description |
flags | integer | The notification settings flags |
Notification Settings Flags
Value | Name | Description |
1 << 4 | USE_NEW_NOTIFICATIONS | Whether to separate unreads from the overall message notification level |
1 << 5 | MENTION_ON_ALL_MESSAGES | Whether to increment the mention count on all messages in channels with a message notification level of ALL_MESSAGES |
Example Notification Settings
{ "flags": 16 }
Notification Settings Snapshot Object
A snapshot of the user's guild settings.
Notification Settings Snapshot Structure
Field | Type | Description |
id | snowflake | The ID of the snapshot |
label | ?string | The label of the snapshot |
recorded_at | ISO8601 timestamp | When the snapshot was recorded |
length | integer | The length of the snapshot in bytes |
Example Notification Settings Snapshot
{"id": "1189703042711425185","label": "Before the Great Mute","recorded_at": "2023-12-27T22:55:08.998082+00:00","length": 145750}
User Guild Settings Object
Guild-specific settings for the current user.
User Guild Settings Structure
Field | Type | Description |
channel_overrides | array[channel override object] | The overrides for channels |
flags | integer | The user guild settings flags |
guild_id 1 | ?snowflake | The ID of the guild |
hide_muted_channels | boolean | Whether to hide muted channels from the UI |
message_notifications | integer | The message notification level for the guild |
mobile_push | boolean | Whether to send push notifications to mobile clients |
mute_scheduled_events | boolean | Whether new guild scheduled event notifications are muted |
muted | boolean | Whether the guild is muted |
mute_config | ?mute config object | The mute metadata for the guild |
notify_highlights | integer | The highlight notification level for the guild |
suppress_everyone | integer | Whether to suppress @everyone notifications |
suppress_roles | integer | Whether to suppress role notifications |
version | integer | The version of guild settings |
1 A value of null
is used to indicate these settings are for the user's private channel notifications.
Partial User Guild Settings Structure
Used when modifying user guild settings.
Field | Type | Description |
channel_overrides? | map[snowflake, channel override object] | The channel overrides to modify |
flags? | integer | The user guild settings flags |
hide_muted_channels? | boolean | Whether to hide muted channels from the UI |
message_notifications? | integer | The message notification level for the guild |
mobile_push? | boolean | Whether to send push notifications to mobile clients |
mute_scheduled_events? | boolean | Whether new guild scheduled event notifications are muted |
muted? | boolean | Whether the guild is muted |
mute_config? | ?mute config object | The mute metadata for the guild |
notify_highlights? | integer | The highlight notification level for the guild |
suppress_everyone? | integer | Whether to suppress @everyone notifications |
suppress_roles? | integer | Whether to suppress role notifications |
Channel Override Structure
Field | Type | Description |
channel_id | snowflake | The ID of the channel |
collapsed | boolean | Whether the category channel is collapsed |
flags? | integer | The channel override's flags |
message_notifications | integer | The message notification level for the channel |
muted | boolean | Whether the channel is muted |
mute_config | ?mute config object | The mute metadata for the channel |
Channel Override Flags
Value | Name | Description |
1 << 9 | UNREADS_ONLY_MENTIONS 1 | This channel is marked unread on mentions |
1 << 10 | UNREADS_ALL_MESSAGES 1 | This channel is marked unread on new messages |
1 << 11 | FAVORITED | This channel is favorited |
1 << 12 | OPT_IN_ENABLED | This channel is shown in the UI |
1 << 13 | NEW_FORUM_THREADS_OFF | This thread-only channel is not marked unread when a thread is created |
1 << 14 | NEW_FORUM_THREADS_ON | This thread-only channel is marked unread when a thread is created |
1 When these flags are unset, unreads follow the message_notifications
User Guild Settings Flags
Value | Name | Description |
1 << 11 | UNREADS_ALL_MESSAGES 1 | This guild is marked unread on new messages |
1 << 12 | UNREADS_ONLY_MENTIONS 1 | This guild is marked unread on mentions |
1 << 13 | OPT_IN_CHANNELS_OFF | Whether to show all guild channels in the UI |
1 << 14 | OPT_IN_CHANNELS_ON | Whether to hide non-opted in channels in the UI |
1 When these flags are unset, unreads follow the message_notifications
Highlight Level
Value | Name | Description |
0 | DEFAULT | Default (same as ENABLED ) |
1 | DISABLED | Suppress highlights |
2 | ENABLED | Don't suppress highlights |
Example User Guild Settings
{"guild_id": 373,"suppress_everyone": false,"suppress_roles": false,"mute_scheduled_events": false,"message_notifications": 1,"flags": 0,"mobile_push": true,"muted": true,"mute_config": {"end_time": null,"selected_time_window": -1},"hide_muted_channels": false,"channel_overrides": [{"channel_id": "362165922212872202","message_notifications": 3,"muted": false,"mute_config": null,"collapsed": true}],"notify_highlights": 0,"version": 2016}
Mute Config Object
The duration of a mute.
Mute Config Structure
Field | Type | Description |
end_time? | ?ISO8601 timestamp | Timestamp representing when the mute ends |
selected_time_window? | integer | Duration of the mute in seconds, or -1 for indefinite |
Get User Settings Proto
Returns the requester's user settings protobuf for the specified type.
Response Body
Field | Type | Description |
settings | string | The base 64-encoded serialized user settings protobuf |
Modify User Settings Proto
Modifies the requester's user settings protobuf for the specified type. Fires a User Settings Proto Update and User Settings Update Gateway event.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
settings | string | The base-64 encoded serialized user settings protobuf modifications |
required_data_version? 1 | integer | The required data version of the proto |
1 When making offline edits, the required data version of the proto should be set to the last known version. This ensures that the client doesn't overwrite newer edits made on a different client on edit.
Response Body
Field | Type | Description |
settings | string | The base-64 encoded serialized user settings protobuf |
out_of_date? | boolean | Whether the user settings update was discarded due to an outdated required_data_version |
Get User Settings
Returns the requester's user settings object.
Modify User Settings
Modifies the requester's user settings. Returns a user settings object on success. Fires a User Settings Proto Update and User Settings Update Gateway event.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
activity_joining_restricted_guild_ids? | array[snowflake] | The IDs of guilds that will not be able to join your current activity |
activity_restricted_guild_ids? | array[snowflake] | The IDs of guilds your activity presence will be hidden in |
afk_timeout? | integer | Duration (in seconds) the user needs to be inactive until clients update their AFK state |
allow_accessibility_detection? | boolean | Whether to allow Discord to track screen reader usage |
animate_emoji? | boolean | Whether to play animated emojis in chat |
animate_stickers? | integer | When to animate stickers in chat |
contact_sync_enabled? | boolean | Whether to enable contact sync on Discord mobile |
convert_emoticons? | boolean | Whether to convert emoticons into emojis (:) -> 🙂 ) |
custom_status? | ?custom status object | The custom status of the user, used to sync presence across clients |
default_guilds_restricted? | boolean | Whether to automatically disable DMs between you and members of new guilds you join |
detect_platform_accounts? | boolean | Whether to automatically detect accounts from services like Steam and Blizzard when opening the Discord client |
developer_mode? | boolean | Whether to enable developer mode in-client |
disable_games_tab? | boolean | Whether to disable the showing of the Games tab |
enable_tts_command? | boolean | Whether to allow TTS messages to be played/sent |
explicit_content_filter? | integer | The explicit content filter for explicit content in all messages |
friend_discovery_flags? | integer | The friend discovery flags |
friend_source_flags? | friend source flags object | The friend source flags |
gif_auto_play? | boolean | Whether GIFs are automatically played when Discord client is in focus |
guild_folders? | array[guild folder object] | The guild folders |
inline_attachment_media? | boolean | Whether to display attachments when they are uploaded in chat |
inline_embed_media? | boolean | Whether to display videos and images from links posted in chat |
locale? | string | The language option chosen by the user |
message_display_compact? | boolean | Whether to use the compact Discord display mode |
native_phone_integration_enabled? | boolean | Whether to enable the new Discord mobile phone number friend requesting feature |
passwordless? (deprecated) | boolean | Whether to enable passwordless login |
render_embeds? | boolean | Whether to render message embeds |
render_reactions? | boolean | Whether to render message reactions |
restricted_guilds? | array[snowflake] | The IDs of guilds that you will not receive DMs from |
show_current_game? | boolean | Whether to display the currently active game in user presence |
status? | string | The status of the user, used to sync presence across clients |
stream_notifications_enabled? | boolean | Whether to receive stream notifications for friends |
theme? | string | The theme |
timezone_offset? | integer | The timezone offset from UTC to use (in minutes) |
view_nsfw_guilds? | boolean | Whether NSFW guilds are shown on iOS |
Get User Consents
Returns a consents object representing the tracking features the requestor has consented to.
Modify User Consents
Modifies the requestor's tracking consent status. Returns a consents object on success.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
grant | array[string] | The consent types to grant |
revoke | array[string] | The consent types to revoke |
Get Email Settings
Returns the requester's email settings object.
Modify Email Settings
Modifies the requester's email settings. Returns an email settings object on success.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
settings | partial email settings object | The email settings to modify |
Modify Notification Settings
Replaces the notification settings for the user. Returns a notification settings object on success. Fires a Notification Settings Update Gateway event.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
flags? | ?integer | The notification settings flags to set |
Get Notification Settings Snapshots
Returns a list of notification settings snapshot objects for the user.
Create Notification Settings Snapshot
Creates a new notification settings snapshot for the user. Returns a list of notification settings snapshot objects on success.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
label? | ?string | The label of the snapshot (max 100 characters) |
Restore Notification Settings Snapshot
Restores a notification settings snapshot. Returns a mapping of guild IDs to user guild settings objects on success. Fires multiple User Guild Settings Update Gateway events.
Delete Notification Settings Snapshot
Deletes a notification settings snapshot. Returns a list of notification settings snapshot objects on success.
Modify User Guild Settings
Modifies a guild's settings. Accepts a partial user guild settings object. Returns a user guild settings object on success. Fires a User Guild Settings Update Gateway event.
Bulk Modify User Guild Settings
Modifies multiple guilds' settings. Returns a list of user guild settings objects on success. Fires multiple User Guild Settings Update Gateway events.
JSON params
Field | Type | Description |
guilds | map[snowflake, partial user guild settings object] | The user guild settings to modify |