
Permissions are a way to limit and grant certain abilities to users in Discord. A set of base permissions can be configured at the guild level for different roles. When these roles are attached to users, they grant or revoke specific privileges within the guild. Along with the guild-level permissions, Discord also supports permission overwrites that can be assigned to individual roles or members on a per-channel basis.

Permissions are stored in a variable-length integer serialized into a string, and are calculated using bitwise operations. For example, the permission value 123 will be serialized as "123". For long-term stability, it's recommended to deserialize the permissions using your preferred languages' Big Integer libraries. The total permissions integer can be determined by OR-ing (|) together each individual value, and flags can be checked using AND (&) operations.

In API v8 and above, all permissions are serialized as strings, including the allow and deny fields in overwrites. Any new permissions are rolled back into the base field.

# Permissions value that can Send Messages (0x800) and Add Reactions (0x40):
permissions = 0x40 | 0x800 # 2112
# Checking for flags that are set:
(permissions & 0x40) == 0x40 # True
(permissions & 0x800) == 0x800 # True
# Kick Members (0x2) was not set:
(permissions & 0x2) == 0x2 # False

Additional logic is required when permission overwrites are involved; this is further explained below. For more information about bitwise operations and flags, see this page.

Below is a table of all current permissions, their integer values in hexadecimal, brief descriptions of the privileges that they grant, and the channel type they apply to, if applicable.

Bitwise Permission Flags
ValueNameDescriptionChannel Type
0x0000000000000001 (1 << 0)CREATE_INSTANT_INVITEAllows creation of instant invitesT, V, S
0x0000000000000002 (1 << 1)KICK_MEMBERS 1Allows kicking members
0x0000000000000004 (1 << 2)BAN_MEMBERS 1Allows banning members
0x0000000000000008 (1 << 3)ADMINISTRATOR 1Allows all permissions and bypasses channel permission overwrites
0x0000000000000010 (1 << 4)MANAGE_CHANNELS 1Allows management and editing of channelsT, V, S
0x0000000000000020 (1 << 5)MANAGE_GUILD 1Allows management and editing of the guild
0x0000000000000040 (1 << 6)ADD_REACTIONSAllows for the addition of reactions to messagesT, V, S
0x0000000000000080 (1 << 7)VIEW_AUDIT_LOGAllows for viewing of audit logs
0x0000000000000100 (1 << 8)PRIORITY_SPEAKERAllows for using priority speaker in a voice channelV
0x0000000000000200 (1 << 9)STREAMAllows the user to use video and stream (go live) in a voice channelV, S
0x0000000000000400 (1 << 10)VIEW_CHANNELAllows guild members to view a channel, which includes reading messages in text channels and joining voice channelsT, V, S
0x0000000000000800 (1 << 11)SEND_MESSAGESAllows for sending messages in a channel and creating threads in a forum (does not allow sending messages in threads)T, V, S
0x0000000000001000 (1 << 12)SEND_TTS_MESSAGESAllows for sending of /tts messagesT, V, S
0x0000000000002000 (1 << 13)MANAGE_MESSAGES 1Allows for deletion of other users messagesT, V, S
0x0000000000004000 (1 << 14)EMBED_LINKSLinks sent by users with this permission will be auto-embeddedT, V, S
0x0000000000008000 (1 << 15)ATTACH_FILESAllows for uploading images and filesT, V, S
0x0000000000010000 (1 << 16)READ_MESSAGE_HISTORYAllows for reading of message historyT, V, S
0x0000000000020000 (1 << 17)MENTION_EVERYONEAllows for using the @everyone tag to notify all users in a channel, and the @here tag to notify all online users in a channelT, V, S
0x0000000000040000 (1 << 18)USE_EXTERNAL_EMOJISAllows the usage of custom emojis from other serversT, V, S
0x0000000000080000 (1 << 19)VIEW_GUILD_INSIGHTSAllows for viewing guild insights
0x0000000000100000 (1 << 20)CONNECTAllows for joining of a voice channelV, S
0x0000000000200000 (1 << 21)SPEAKAllows for speaking in a voice channelV
0x0000000000400000 (1 << 22)MUTE_MEMBERSAllows for muting members in a voice channelV, S
0x0000000000800000 (1 << 23)DEAFEN_MEMBERSAllows for deafening of members in a voice channelV
0x0000000001000000 (1 << 24)MOVE_MEMBERSAllows for moving of members between voice channelsV, S
0x0000000002000000 (1 << 25)USE_VADAllows for using voice-activity-detection in a voice channelV
0x0000000004000000 (1 << 26)CHANGE_NICKNAMEAllows for modification of own nickname
0x0000000008000000 (1 << 27)MANAGE_NICKNAMESAllows for modification of other users nicknames
0x0000000010000000 (1 << 28)MANAGE_ROLES 1Allows management and editing of rolesT, V, S
0x0000000020000000 (1 << 29)MANAGE_WEBHOOKS 1Allows management and editing of webhooksT, V, S
0x0000000040000000 (1 << 30)MANAGE_EXPRESSIONS 1 3Allows editing and deleting emojis, stickers, and soundboard sounds
0x0000000080000000 (1 << 31)USE_APPLICATION_COMMANDSAllows members to use application commands, including slash commands and context menu commandsT, V, S
0x0000000100000000 (1 << 32)REQUEST_TO_SPEAKAllows for requesting to speak in stage channelsS
0x0000000200000000 (1 << 33)MANAGE_EVENTS 3Allows for editing and deleting scheduled eventsV, S
0x0000000400000000 (1 << 34)MANAGE_THREADS 1Allows for deleting and archiving threads, and viewing all private threadsT
0x0000000800000000 (1 << 35)CREATE_PUBLIC_THREADSAllows for creating public and announcement threadsT
0x0000001000000000 (1 << 36)CREATE_PRIVATE_THREADSAllows for creating private threadsT
0x0000002000000000 (1 << 37)USE_EXTERNAL_STICKERSAllows the usage of custom stickers from other serversT, V, S
0x0000004000000000 (1 << 38)SEND_MESSAGES_IN_THREADSAllows for sending messages in threadsT
0x0000008000000000 (1 << 39)USE_EMBEDDED_ACTIVITIESAllows for using Activities (applications with the EMBEDDED flag) in a voice channelT, V
0x0000010000000000 (1 << 40)MODERATE_MEMBERS 2Allows for timing out users to prevent them from sending or reacting to messages in chat and threads, and from speaking in voice and stage channels
0x0000020000000000 (1 << 41)VIEW_CREATOR_MONETIZATION_ANALYTICS 1Allows for viewing guild role subscriptions insights
0x0000040000000000 (1 << 42)USE_SOUNDBOARDAllows the usage of the soundboard in a voice channelV
0x0000080000000000 (1 << 43)CREATE_EXPRESSIONS 3Allows for creating emojis, stickers, and soundboard sounds, and editing/deleting ones created by the current user
0x0000100000000000 (1 << 44)CREATE_EVENTS 3Allows for creating scheduled events, and editing/deleting ones created by the current user
0x0000040000000000 (1 << 45)USE_EXTERNAL_SOUNDSAllows the usage of custom soundboard sounds from other serversV
0x0000400000000000 (1 << 46)SEND_VOICE_MESSAGESAllows for sending voice messages in a channelT, V, S
0x0000800000000000 (1 << 47)USE_CLYDE_AIAllows members to interact with the Clyde AI integrationT, V, S
0x0001000000000000 (1 << 48)SET_VOICE_CHANNEL_STATUSAllows setting voice channel statusV
0x0002000000000000 (1 << 49)SEND_POLLSAllows sending pollsT, V, S
0x0004000000000000 (1 << 50)USE_EXTERNAL_APPSAllows the usage of user-installed applications without forced-ephemeral responsesT, V, S

1 These permissions require the user or bot owner account to use multi-factor authentication when used on a guild that has guild-wide MFA enabled.

2 See Permissions for Timed Out/Quarantined Members to understand how permissions are temporarily modified for timed out/quarantined users.

3 The separate events for resource creation are only available to clients that specify a recent client build number. Otherwise, they are ignored and the management permissions are enforced.

Note that permission names may be referred to differently in the Discord client. For example, "Manage Permissions" refers to MANAGE_ROLES, "Use Voice Activity" refers to USE_VAD, and "Timeout Members" refers to MODERATE_MEMBERS.

The channel type abbreviations refer to the following:

Channel TypeValues

Permission Hierarchy

How permissions apply may at first seem intuitive, but there are some hidden restrictions that prevent users from performing certain inappropriate actions based on a user's highest role compared to its target's highest role. A user's highest role is its role that has the greatest sorting priority in the guild, with the default @everyone role starting at 0. Permissions follow a hierarchy with the following rules:

  • A user can grant roles to other users that are of a lower position than its own highest role.
  • A user can edit roles of a lower position than its highest role, but it can only grant permissions it has to those roles.
  • A user can only sort roles lower than its highest role.
  • A user can only kick, ban, and edit nicknames for users whose highest role is lower than the user's highest role.

Otherwise, permissions do not obey the role hierarchy. For example, a user has two roles: A and B. A denies the VIEW_CHANNEL permission on a #coolstuff channel. B allows the VIEW_CHANNEL permission on the same #coolstuff channel. The user would ultimately be able to view the #coolstuff channel, regardless of the role positions.

Permission Overwrites

Overwrites can be used to apply certain permissions to roles or members on a channel-level. Applicable permissions are indicated by a T for text channels, V for voice channels, or S for stage channels in the table above.

When using overwrites, there are cases where permission collisions could occur for a user; that is to say, the user may have certain overwrites with permissions that contradict each other or their guild-level role permissions. With this in mind, permissions are applied to users in the following hierarchy:

  1. Base permissions given to @everyone are applied at a guild level
  2. Permissions allowed to a user by their roles are applied at a guild level
  3. Overwrites that deny permissions for @everyone are applied at a channel level
  4. Overwrites that allow permissions for @everyone are applied at a channel level
  5. Overwrites that deny permissions for specific roles are applied at a channel level
  6. Overwrites that allow permissions for specific roles are applied at a channel level
  7. Member-specific overwrites that deny permissions are applied at a channel level
  8. Member-specific overwrites that allow permissions are applied at a channel level

The following pseudocode demonstrates this process programmatically:

def compute_base_permissions(member, guild):
if guild.is_owner(member):
return ALL
role_everyone = guild.get_role( # get @everyone role
permissions = role_everyone.permissions
for role in member.roles:
permissions |= role.permissions
return ALL
return permissions
def compute_overwrites(base_permissions, member, channel):
# ADMINISTRATOR overrides any potential permission overwrites, so there is nothing to do here.
if base_permissions & ADMINISTRATOR == ADMINISTRATOR:
return ALL
permissions = base_permissions
overwrite_everyone = overwrites.get(channel.guild_id) # Find (@everyone) role overwrite and apply it.
if overwrite_everyone:
permissions &= ~overwrite_everyone.deny
permissions |= overwrite_everyone.allow
# Apply role specific overwrites.
overwrites = channel.permission_overwrites
allow = NONE
deny = NONE
for role_id in member.roles:
overwrite_role = overwrites.get(role_id)
if overwrite_role:
allow |= overwrite_role.allow
deny |= overwrite_role.deny
permissions &= ~deny
permissions |= allow
# Apply member specific overwrite if it exist.
overwrite_member = overwrites.get(member.user_id)
if overwrite_member:
permissions &= ~overwrite_member.deny
permissions |= overwrite_member.allow
return permissions
def compute_permissions(member, channel):
base_permissions = compute_base_permissions(member, channel.guild)
return compute_overwrites(base_permissions, member, channel)

Implicit Permissions

Permissions in Discord are sometimes implicitly denied or allowed based on logical use. The two main cases are VIEW_CHANNEL and SEND_MESSAGES for text channels. Denying a user or a role VIEW_CHANNEL on a channel implicitly denies other permissions on the channel. Though permissions like SEND_MESSAGES are not explicitly denied for the user, they are ignored because the user cannot read messages in the channel.

Denying SEND_MESSAGES implicitly denies MENTION_EVERYONE, SEND_TTS_MESSAGES, ATTACH_FILES, and EMBED_LINKS. Again, they are not explicitly denied when doing permissions calculations, but they are ignored because the user cannot do the base action of sending messages.

For voice and stage channels, denying the CONNECT permission also implicitly denies other permissions such as MANAGE_CHANNELS.

There may be other cases in which certain permissions implicitly deny or allow other permissions. In all cases, it is based on logical conclusions about how a user with certain permissions should or should not interact with Discord.

Inherited Permissions (Threads)

Threads inherit permissions from the parent channel (the channel they were created in), with one exception: The SEND_MESSAGES permission is not inherited; users must have SEND_MESSAGES_IN_THREADS to send a message in a thread, which allows for users to participate in threads in places like announcement channels.

Users must have the VIEW_CHANNEL permission to view any threads in the channel, even if they are directly mentioned or added to the thread.

Permissions For Timed Out/Quarantined Members

Timed out members will temporarily lose all permissions except VIEW_CHANNEL and READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY. This also applies to quarantined members, with the addition of the CHANGE_NICKNAME permission. Owners and users with the ADMINISTRATOR permission are exempt.

Discoverable Guild Permissions

Guilds that are defined as discoverable have a unique permission setup to allow non-members to lurk the guild without joining it. Non-members inherit the VIEW_CHANNEL and READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY permission from the @everyone role, meaning they can view public channels and read messages in them. However, they cannot interact with the guild in any way, such as sending messages, reacting to messages, or joining voice channels.

When lurking a discoverable guild with an active public stage instance, non-members will inherit the additional permissions CONNECT, REQUEST_TO_SPEAK, SPEAK, and USE_VAD in the stage channel.

Permission Syncing

Permissions with regards to categories and channels within categories are a bit tricky. Rather than inheritance, permissions are calculated by means of what is called Permission Syncing. If a child channel has the same permissions and overwrites (or lack thereof) as its parent category, the channel is considered "synced" to the category. Any further changes to a parent category will be reflected in its synced child channels. Any further changes to a child channel will cause it to become de-synced from its parent category, and its permissions will no longer change with changes to its parent category.