Premium Referrals

Premium referrals, or Nitro trials, allow Nitro subscribers to share up to three 2-week Nitro subscriptions with friends who haven't had an active Nitro subscription in the past 12 months.

Premium Referral Object

Premium Referral Structure
idsnowflakeThe ID of the referral
user_idsnowflakeThe user who the referral was sent to
trial_idsnowflakeThe trial ID associated with the referral
subscription_trialsubscription trial object (todo)The subscription trial associated with the referral
expires_atISO8601 timestampThe expiry date of the referral link
referrer_idsnowflakeThe ID of the user who created the referral
referrerpartial user objectThe user who created the referral
redeemed_at?ISO8601 timestampWhen the referral was redeemed
Example Premium Referral
"id": "1107800271637200936",
"user_id": "563434444321587202",
"trial_id": "1073698058383917056",
"subscription_trial": {
"id": "1073698058383917056",
"interval": 3,
"interval_count": 14,
"sku_id": "521847234246082599"
"expires_at": "2023-05-17T22:42:46.690847+00:00",
"referrer_id": "1044657759066525777",
"referer": {
"id": "1044657759066525777",
"username": "hackermon",
"global_name": "daniel",
"avatar": null,
"avatar_decoration_data": null,
"discriminator": "0",
"public_flags": 16384,
"primary_guild": null
"redeemed_at": "2023-05-16T18:22:21.777456+00:00"

Premium Referral Eligibility Object

Premium Referral Eligibility Structure
referrals_remainingintegerThe amount of referrals remaining
sent_user_idsarray[snowflake]The IDs of users that have been referred
refresh_at?ISO8601 timestampWhen the referral count will refresh
has_eligible_friendsbooleanWhether the user has friends that are eligible for a referral
recipient_statusmap[snowflake, integer]The redemption status of each referred user ID
Premium Referral Recipient Status
1REDEEMEDThe recipient has redeemed the referral
2PENDINGThe recipient has yet to redeem the referral
Example Premium Referral Eligibility
"referrals_remaining": 0,
"sent_user_ids": ["159985870458322944", "563434444321587202", "296776625432035328"],
"refresh_at": null,
"has_eligible_friends": true,
"recipient_status": {
"159985870458322944": 2,
"563434444321587202": 2,
"296776625432035328": 2


Get Premium Referral


Returns a premium referral object for the given referral ID.

Get Premium Referral Eligibility


Returns a premium referral eligibility object for the user.

Get Premium Referral Eligible Users


Returns an object containing a list of users who are eligible to receive a referral from the user.

JSON Params
indexintegerThe current search index (0-1000)
limit?integerMax number of users to return (max 50, default 30)
search_query?stringQuery to match usernames against (max 1024 characters)
Response Body
usersarray[partial user object]The eligible users
next_index?integerThe next index to paginate from

Preview Premium Referral


Checks whether you can send a referral to the user specified.

Response Body
is_eligiblebooleanWhether you can send a referral to the user specified

Create Premium Referral


Creates a new premium referral. Returns a premium referral object. Fires a Message Create Gateway event. The referral is sent to the user specified. Referrals expire after 48 hours.