Premium Referral Resource

Premium referrals, or Nitro trials, allow Nitro subscribers to share up to three 2-week Nitro subscriptions with friends who haven't had an active Nitro subscription in the past 12 months.

Premium Referral Object

Premium Referral Structure
idsnowflakeThe ID of the referral
user_idsnowflakeThe user who the referral was sent to
trial_idsnowflakeThe trial ID associated with the referral
subscription_trialsubscription trial object (todo)The subscription trial associated with the referral
expires_atISO8601 timestampThe expiry date of the referral link
referrer_idsnowflakeThe ID of the user who created the referral
Example Premium Referral
"id": "1107800271637200936",
"user_id": "563434444321587202",
"trial_id": "1073698058383917056",
"subscription_trial": {
"id": "1073698058383917056",
"interval": 3,
"interval_count": 14,
"sku_id": "521847234246082599"
"expires_at": "2023-05-17T22:42:46.690847+00:00",
"referrer_id": "1044657759066525777"

Premium Referral Eligibility Object

Premium Referral Eligibility Structure
referrals_remainingnumberThe amount of referrals remaining
sent_user_idsarray[snowflake]The user IDs that have been referred
Example Premium Referral Eligibility
"referrals_remaining": 0,
"sent_user_ids": ["159985870458322944", "563434444321587202", "296776625432035328"]


Get Premium Referral


Returns a premium referral object for the given referral ID.

Get Premium Referral Eligibility


Returns a premium referral eligibility object for the user.

Preview Premium Referral


Checks whether you can send a referral to the user specified.

Response Body
is_eligiblebooleanWhether you can send a referral to the user specified

Create Premium Referral


Creates a new premium referral. Returns a premium referral object. Fires a Message Create Gateway event. The referral is sent to the user specified. Referrals expire after 48 hours.