Sticker Resource

Stickers are embedded images that can be sent along with messages. They can be either standard stickers, which are official, first-party stickers, or guild stickers, which are custom stickers uploaded by users in a guild.

Sticker Pack Object

A pack of standard stickers.

Sticker Pack Structure
idsnowflakeThe ID of the sticker pack
stickersarray[sticker object]The stickers in the pack
namestringThe name of the sticker pack
sku_idsnowflakeThe ID of the pack's SKU
cover_sticker_id?snowflakeThe ID of a sticker in the pack which is shown as the pack's icon
descriptionstringThe description for the sticker pack
banner_asset_id?snowflakeThe ID of the sticker pack's banner image
Example Sticker Pack
"id": "847199849233514549",
"stickers": [],
"name": "Wumpus Beyond",
"sku_id": "847199849233514547",
"cover_sticker_id": "749053689419006003",
"description": "Say hello to Wumpus!",
"banner_asset_id": "761773777976819732"

Sticker Object

A sticker that can be sent in messages.

Sticker Structure
idsnowflakeThe ID of the sticker
pack_id?snowflakeFor standard stickers, ID of the pack the sticker is from
namestringThe name of the sticker (2-30 characters)
description?stringThe description for the sticker (max 100 characters)
tags 2stringAutocomplete/suggestion tags for the sticker (1-200 characters)
typeintegerThe type of sticker
format_typeintegerThe type of format for the sticker
available?booleanWhether this guild sticker can be used; may be false due to loss of premium subscriptions (boosts)
guild_id?snowflakeThe ID of the guild the sticker is attached to
user? 1partial user objectThe user that uploaded the guild sticker
sort_value?integerThe standard sticker's sort order within its pack

1 Only included for guild stickers when fetched through the Get Guild Stickers or Get Guild Sticker endpoints by a user with the MANAGE_EXPRESSIONS permission.

2 A comma separated list of keywords is the format used in this field by standard stickers, but this is just a convention. Incidentally, official clients will always use a name generated from an emoji as the value of this field when creating or modifying a guild sticker.

Sticker Types
1STANDARDAn official sticker in a current or legacy purchasable pack
2GUILDA sticker uploaded to a guild for the guild's members
Sticker Format Types
1PNGA PNG image
2APNGAn animated PNG image, using the APNG format
3LOTTIEA lottie animation; requires the VERIFIED and/or PARTNERED guild feature
4GIFAn animated GIF image
Example Sticker
"id": "749054660769218631",
"name": "Wave",
"tags": "wumpus, hello, sup, hi, oi, heyo, heya, yo, greetings, greet, welcome, wave, :wave, :hello, :hi, :hey, hey, \ud83d\udc4b, \ud83d\udc4b\ud83c\udffb, \ud83d\udc4b\ud83c\udffc, \ud83d\udc4b\ud83c\udffd, \ud83d\udc4b\ud83c\udffe, \ud83d\udc4b\ud83c\udfff, goodbye, bye, see ya, later, laterz, cya",
"type": 1,
"format_type": 3,
"description": "Wumpus waves hello",
"asset": "",
"pack_id": "847199849233514549",
"sort_value": 12

Sticker Item Object

The smallest amount of data required to render a sticker. A partial sticker object.

Sticker Item Structure
idsnowflakeThe ID of the sticker
namestringThe name of the sticker
format_typeintegerThe type of format for the sticker


Get Sticker Packs


Returns the list of sticker packs available to use.

Response Body
sticker_packsarray[sticker pack object]The sticker packs available

Get Sticker Pack


Returns a sticker pack object for the given pack ID.

Get Sticker


Returns a sticker object for the given sticker ID.

Get Sticker Guild


Returns a discoverable guild object for the guild that owns the given sticker. This endpoint requires the guild to be discoverable, not be auto-removed, and have guild expression discoverability enabled.

Get Guild Stickers


Returns an array of sticker objects for the given guild. Includes the user field if the user has the CREATE_EXPRESSIONS or MANAGE_EXPRESSIONS permission.

Get Guild Sticker


Returns a sticker object for the given guild and sticker IDs. Includes the user field if the user has the CREATE_EXPRESSIONS or MANAGE_EXPRESSIONS permission.

Create Guild Sticker


Creates a new sticker for the guild. Must be a multipart/form-data body. Requires the CREATE_EXPRESSIONS permission. Returns the new sticker object on success. Fires a Guild Stickers Update Gateway event.

Every guilds has five free sticker slots by default, and each premium tier (boost level) will grant access to more slots.

Form Params
namestringThe name of the sticker (2-30 characters)
descriptionstringThe description for the sticker (max 100 characters)
tagsstringAutocomplete/suggestion tags for the sticker (1-200 characters)
filefile contentsThe sticker file to upload, must be a PNG, APNG, GIF, or Lottie JSON file

Modify Guild Sticker


Modifies the given sticker. For stickers created by the current user, requires either the CREATE_EXPRESSIONS or MANAGE_EXPRESSIONS permission. For other stickers, requires the MANAGE_EXPRESSIONS permission. Returns the updated sticker object on success. Fires a Guild Stickers Update Gateway event.

JSON Params
name?stringThe name of the sticker (2-30 characters)
description??stringThe description for the sticker (max 100 characters)
tags?stringAutocomplete/suggestion tags for the sticker (1-200 characters)

Delete Guild Sticker


Deletes the given sticker. For stickers created by the current user, requires either the CREATE_EXPRESSIONS or MANAGE_EXPRESSIONS permission. For other stickers, requires the MANAGE_EXPRESSIONS permission. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Guild Stickers Update Gateway event.