Family Center

Family Center acts as Discord's parental controls solution to allow parents to monitor the activities of their teens on Discord. They do not allow parents to view message content, but Discord does share:

  • Users messaged (DMs and Group DMs)
  • Users called (DMs and Group DMs) in the last week
  • Friends added in the last week
  • Guilds joined in the last week
  • Guilds the teen has sent messages to in the last week

A maximum of 8 accounts can be connected to a single parent.


In line with the API, instead of referring to Family Center users as "parents" or "teens" and links as "family", "connected teens", or "my family", the API terminology will be used instead.

  • Requestor: This is the user that sends a link request to a different user and acts as the user the linked user is connected to. Can be viewed as the "parent."
  • Linked user: This is the user that receives or accepts a link request sent by the requestor and acts as the user the "parent" can view the activity of. Can be viewed as the "teen."
  • Link: Represents the connection between requestor and linked user.

Family Center Object

Family Center Structure
linked_usersarray[linked user object]List of linked users
teen_audit_logteen audit log objectAudit log of the linked users activity
usersarray[partial user object]List of requestors the linked user is connected to

Linked User Object

Partial user data of an underage user linked to the requestor via Family Center.

Linked User Structure
created_atISO8601 timestampWhen the link request was sent
updated_atISO8601 timestampWhen the link status was last updated
link_statusintegerThe link status of the linked user
link_typeintegerThe link type
requestor_id 1snowflakeThe ID of the account the linked user is connected to
user_id 1snowflakeThe ID of the linked user

1 If the link type is 1, the user_id and requestor_id will be the same. See Link Type for more information.

Represents the current state of the link.

1The Family Center link request has been sent, but not accepted
2The linked user is currently connected to the requestor
3The link has been disconnected
4The link request was rejected

Represents what part each user played in the connection.

1The current user accepted the request and is the linked user of the link
2The current user sent the request and is the requestor of the link
Example Linked User
"created_at": "2024-07-30T19:49:09.800072+00:00",
"updated_at": "2024-07-30T19:55:43.834081+00:00",
"link_type": 2,
"link_status": 3,
"requestor_id": "246877849162743818",
"user_id": "801318363472330772"

Linked Users Object

Lists all linked users and requestors. Not to be confused with the Linked User object.

Linked Users structure
linked_usersarray[linked user object]List of linked users
usersarray[partial user object]List of requestors the linked user is connected to

Teen Audit Log Object

Audit log of events of the linked user. Visible to both requestors and linked users.

Teen Audit Log Structure
teen_user_id?snowflakeThe ID of the linked user
range_start_id?snowflakeA snowflake representing the start time of the current 7-day track range
actionsarray[action object]List of actions the linked user has done
usersarray[partial user object]Users referenced in the audit log
guildsarray[guild object]Guilds referenced in the audit log
totalsmap[integer, integer]Object keyed by action types with their totals
Action Structure
event_idsnowflakeThe ID of the event action
user_idsnowflakeThe ID of the linked user
entity_idsnowflakeThe ID of the entity the action relates to (user, guild, or group DM) based off the action type
display_typeintegerThe type of the action of the action, detailing what this action involved
Action Type

Represents what kind of action the linked user engaged in.

1Users added within the last 7 days
2Guild joined within the last 7 days
3Users messaged within the last 7 days
4Guilds the linked user has sent messages in within the last 7 days
5Users called within the last 7 days
Example Teen Audit Log
"teen_user_id": "801318363472330772",
"range_start_id": "1328607677722394624",
"actions": [
"event_id": "1331144363278860318",
"user_id": "801318363472330772",
"entity_id": "246877849162743818",
"display_type": 3
"users": [
"id": "246877849162743818",
"username": "jay_taelien",
"global_name": "Jay",
"avatar": "91b7bc37e924f78625f7ea582fdbac5d",
"avatar_decoration_data": {
"asset": "a_aa2e1c2b3cf05b24f6ec7b8b4141f5fc",
"sku_id": "1144056631374647458",
"expires_at": null
"discriminator": "0",
"public_flags": 16512,
"primary_guild": null,
"clan": null
"guilds": [],
"totals": {
"1": 0,
"2": 0,
"3": 1,
"4": 0


Get Family Center Overview


Returns a Family Center object.


Generates the link code for usage in the generated QR code that a linked user receives to give to a requestor.

Response Body
link_codestringThe code used to connect a requestor to a linked user, appended to the end of the URL the QR code encodes

Get Linked Users


Returns a linked users object.

Create Linked User Request


Creates a request that appears in the linked user's Family Center. Returns a linked users object on success. Fires a User Update Gateway event.

JSON Params
recipient_idsnowflakeThe ID of the user the requestor wants to connect to
codestringThe link code from the linked user's device

Modify Linked User


Modifies the linked user status of a linked user. Can be invoked by either the linked user or the requestor if used for removing the link. Returns an array of linked user objects on success. Fires a User Update Gateway event.

JSON Params
link_statusintegerThe new link status of the linked user
linked_user_id 1stringThe ID of the user the linked user or requestor is modifying

1 If this request is sent to remove a link (setting link_status to 3), the linked_user_id changes depending on if the requestor or linked user is invoking it. If the linked user invokes the request, linked_user_id is the ID of the requestor, otherwise it's the ID of the linked user.