Soundboard sounds are short audio clips that can be played in voice channels. There is a set of default sounds available to all users. Soundboard sounds can also be created in a guild; users will be able to use them in the guild, and premium (Nitro) subscribers can use them in all guilds.
Custom soundboard sounds in a can be retrieved over the Gateway using Request Soundboard Sounds.
Soundboard Sound Object
Soundboard Sound Structure
Field | Type | Description |
sound_id | snowflake | The ID of the soundboard sound |
name | string | The name of the soundboard sound (2-32 characters) |
volume | float | The volume of the soundboard sound (represented as a float from 0 to 1) |
emoji_id | ?snowflake | The ID of the sound's custom emoji |
emoji_name | ?string | The unicode character of the sound's emoji |
guild_id? | snowflake | The ID of the source guild |
available | boolean | Whether this guild sound can be used; may be false due to loss of premium subscriptions (boosts) |
user? 1 | partial user object | The user who created this sound |
user_id? 2 | snowflake | The ID of the user who created this sound |
1 Only included for sounds in contexts where the sound is created or updated, as well as when fetched through the Get Guild Soundboard Sounds or Get Guild Soundboard Sound endpoints by a user with the MANAGE_EXPRESSIONS
2 Only included in Gateway events related to the soundboard.
Get Default Soundboard Sounds
Returns a list of soundboard sound objects that can be used by all users.
Get Guild Soundboard Sounds
Returns an object containing a list of soundboard sound objects for the given guild. Includes the user
field if the user has the CREATE_EXPRESSIONS
Response Body
Field | Type | Description |
items | array[soundboard sound object] | The soundboard sounds in the guild |
Get Guild Soundboard Sound
Returns a soundboard sound object for the given guild and sound ID. Includes the user
field if the user has the CREATE_EXPRESSIONS
Create Guild Soundboard Sound
Creates a new soundboard sound for the guild. Requires the CREATE_EXPRESSIONS
permission. Returns the new soundboard sound object on success. Fires a Guild Soundboard Sound Create Gateway event.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the soundboard sound (2-32 characters) |
sound | sound data | The sound file to upload |
volume? | ?float | The volume of the soundboard sound (represented as a float from 0 to 1, default 1) |
emoji_id? | ?snowflake | The ID of the sound's custom emoji |
emoji_name? | ?string | The unicode character of the sound's emoji |
Modify Guild Soundboard Sound
Modifies the given soundboard sound. For sounds created by the current user, requires either the CREATE_EXPRESSIONS
or MANAGE_EXPRESSIONS permission. For other sounds, requires the MANAGE_EXPRESSIONS
permission. Returns the updated soundboard sound object on success. Fires a Guild Soundboard Sound Update Gateway event.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
name? | string | The name of the soundboard sound (2-32 characters) |
volume? | ?float | The volume of the soundboard sound (represented as a float from 0 to 1, default 1) |
emoji_id? | ?snowflake | The ID of the sound's custom emoji |
emoji_name? | ?string | The unicode character of the sound's emoji |
Delete Guild Soundboard Sound
For sounds created by the current user, requires either the CREATE_EXPRESSIONS
permission. For other sounds, requires the MANAGE_EXPRESSIONS
permission. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Guild Soundboard Sound Delete Gateway event.
Get Soundboard Sound Guild
Returns a discoverable guild object for the guild that owns the given sound. This endpoint requires the guild to be discoverable, not be auto-removed, and have guild expression discoverability enabled.
Send Soundboard Sound
Sends a soundboard sound to a voice channel. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Voice Channel Effect Send Gateway event.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
sound_id | snowflake | The ID of the soundboard sound to send |
source_guild_id? | ?snowflake | The ID of the sound's source guild, if applicable (not required) |