Soundboard Resource

Soundboard sounds are short audio clips that can be played in voice channels. There is a set of default sounds available to all users. Soundboard sounds can also be created in a guild; users will be able to use them in the guild, and premium (Nitro) subscribers can use them in all guilds.

Custom soundboard sounds in a can be retrieved over the Gateway using Request Soundboard Sounds.

Soundboard Sound Object

Soundboard Sound Structure
sound_idsnowflakeThe ID of the soundboard sound
namestringThe name of the soundboard sound (2-32 characters)
volumefloatThe volume of the soundboard sound (represented as a float from 0 to 1)
emoji_id?snowflakeThe ID of the sound's custom emoji
emoji_name?stringThe unicode character of the sound's emoji
guild_id?snowflakeThe ID of the source guild
available?booleanWhether this guild sound can be used; may be false due to loss of premium subscriptions (boosts)
user_idsnowflakeThe ID of the user who created this sound
user? 1partial user objectThe user who created this sound

1 Only included in contexts where the sound is created or updated.


Get Default Soundboard Sounds


Returns a list of soundboard sound objects that can be used by all users.

Create Guild Soundboard Sound


Creates a new soundboard sound for the guild. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS permission. Returns the new soundboard sound object on success. Fires a Guild Soundboard Sound Create Gateway event.

JSON Params
namestringThe name of the soundboard sound (2-32 characters)
soundsound dataThe sound file to upload
volume??floatThe volume of the soundboard sound (represented as a float from 0 to 1, default 1)
emoji_id??snowflakeThe ID of the sound's custom emoji
emoji_name??stringThe unicode character of the sound's emoji

Modify Guild Soundboard Sound


Replaces the given soundboard sound. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS permission. Returns the updated soundboard sound object on success. Fires a Guild Soundboard Sound Update Gateway event.

JSON Params
name??stringThe name of the soundboard sound (2-32 characters)
volume??floatThe volume of the soundboard sound (represented as a float from 0 to 1, default 1)
emoji_id??snowflakeThe ID of the sound's custom emoji
emoji_name??stringThe unicode character of the sound's emoji

Delete Guild Soundboard Sound


Deletes the given soundboard sound. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD_EXPRESSIONS permission. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Guild Soundboard Sound Delete Gateway event.

Send Soundboard Sound


Sends a soundboard sound to a voice channel. This endpoint is identical to Send Voice Channel Effect. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Voice Channel Effect Send Gateway event.

See the Send Voice Channel Effect endpoint for more information.