Auto Moderation
Auto Moderation, or AutoMod, is a feature which allows each guild to set up rules that trigger based on some criteria. For example, a rule can trigger whenever a message contains a specific keyword.
Rules can be configured to automatically execute actions whenever they trigger. For example, if a user tries to send a message which contains a certain keyword, a rule can trigger and block the message before it is sent.
AutoMod System Messages
AutoMod system messages are sent as standard messages in the guild with the AUTO_MODERATION_ACTION
message type.
If no user is associated with the system message, the author is the AutoMod system account (1008776202191634432
These messages have a special embed structure which contains information about the action that was taken.
The custom embed fields below are collapsed as a list of key-value pairs into the fields
array on the embed object.
AutoMod Alert
action type is triggered.
The author of the message is the user which generated the content that triggered the rule. The embed description contains the user message content that triggered the rule, if applicable.
AutoMod Alert Embed Structure
Field | Type | Description |
rule_name | string | The name of the automod rule that was triggered |
decision_id | string | The ID of the decision that was executed |
decision_reason? | string | The reason for the decision that was executed |
decision_outcome | string | The outcome of the decision that triggered the rule |
channel_id? | snowflake | The ID of the channel in which the user content was posted |
flagged_message_id? | snowflake | The ID of the message that triggered the rule |
keyword | string | The word or phrase configured that triggered the rule |
keyword_matched_content | string | The substring in content that triggered the rule |
block_profile_update_type? | string | The type of profile update that was blocked |
quarantine_user? | string | The reason for quarantining the user |
quarantine_user_action? | string | The action taken on the quarantined user |
quarantine_event? | string | The user action that triggered the rule |
voice_channel_status_outcome? | string | The outcome of the voice channel status update that triggered the rule |
application_name? | string | The name of the user application that triggered the rule |
interaction_user_id? | snowflake | The ID of the user that triggered the rule, if the author is a user application |
interaction_callback_type? | string | The type of interaction callback that triggered the rule |
timeout_duration? | integer | Duration (in seconds) after which the timeout expires |
alert_actions_execution? | alert actions execution object | The actions that were executed on the AutoMod alert |
AutoMod Decision Outcome
Value | Description |
flagged | The action was flagged by AutoMod |
blocked | The action was blocked by AutoMod |
AutoMod Profile Update Type
Value | Description |
nickname_update | When a user updates their nickname in the guild |
nickname_reset | When a user resets their nickname in the guild |
AutoMod Quarantine User Reason
Value | Description |
username | The user's username triggered the rule |
display_name | The user's display name triggered the rule |
nickname | The user's guild nickname triggered the rule |
clan_tag | The user's clan tag triggered the rule |
AutoMod Quarantine User Action
Value | Description |
block_guest_join | The guest was prevented from joining the guild |
block_profile_update | The user was prevented from updating their profile in the guild |
quarantine_user | The user was quarantined; quarantined users, similar to timed out users, are prevented from interacting with the guild in any way |
AutoMod Quarantine Event Type
Value | Description |
guild_join | When a user joins the guild |
message_send | When a user sends a message in the guild |
username_update | When a user updates their username |
clan_tag_update | When a user updates their clan tag |
AutoMod Interaction Callback Type
Value | Description |
modal | A modal interaction callback triggered the rule |
AutoMod Alert Actions Execution Structure
Field | Type | Description |
v | integer | The alert actions execution protocol version (currently 0) |
actions | map[string, alert action object] | The actions that were executed on the AutoMod alert, keyed by action type |
AutoMod Alert Action Type
Value | Name | Description |
1 | SET_COMPLETED | Marks the alert as completed |
2 | UNSET_COMPLETED | Marks the alert as not completed |
3 | DELETE_USER_MESSAGE | Deletes the user message that triggered the alert |
4 | SUBMIT_FEEDBACK | Reports an issue with the alert to Discord |
AutoMod Alert Action Structure
Field | Type | Description |
actor | snowflake | The ID of the user that executed the action |
ts | ISO8601 timestamp | When the action was executed |
Example AutoMod Alert Embed
{"type": "auto_moderation_message","description": "can i say alien 🥺","fields": [{"name": "rule_name","value": "No aliens","inline": false},{"name": "channel_id","value": "1121695809839308901","inline": false},{"name": "decision_id","value": "22a2df4cf7904b81a17faa3e3930af7d","inline": false},{"name": "keyword","value": "alien","inline": false},{"name": "keyword_matched_content","value": "alien","inline": false},{"name": "flagged_message_id","value": "1200705269110411274","inline": false},{"name": "timeout_duration","value": "600","inline": false},{"name": "decision_outcome","value": "blocked","inline": false},{"name": "alert_actions_execution","value": "{\"v\": 0, \"actions\": {\"3\": {\"actor\": \"852892297661906993\", \"ts\": \"2024-01-27T07:34:12.145393+00:00\"}, \"1\": {\"actor\": \"852892297661906993\", \"ts\": \"2024-01-27T07:38:29.292345+00:00\"}}}","inline": false}]}
AutoMod Incident Notification
Sent when a guild incident activity alert is triggered.
AutoMod Incident Notification Embed Structure
Field | Type | Description |
notification_type? | string | The type of notification that was triggered (default raid ) |
decision_id? | string | The ID of the decision that was executed |
action_by_user_id? | snowflake | The ID of the user that executed the action (only applicable to activity_alerts_enabled notification types) |
raid_type? | string | The type of raid that was detected |
raid_datetime? | ISO8601 timestamp | When the raid was detected |
join_attempts? | integer | The approximate number of join attempts as part of the raid |
dms_sent? | integer | The approximate number of sent DMs as part of the raid |
suspicious_mention_activity_until? | ISO8601 timestamp | When the mention activity restrictions will end (only applicable to mention_raid notification types) |
resolved_reason? | string | The reason for resolving the notification |
AutoMod Incident Notification Type
Value | Description |
activity_alerts_enabled | Activity alerts were enabled in the guild |
raid | A raid was detected |
mention_raid | A mention raid was detected |
AutoMod Raid Type
Value | Description |
JOIN_RAID | A join raid was detected |
MENTION_RAID | A mention raid was detected |
AutoMod Raid Resolution Reason
Value | Description |
LEGITIMATE_ACTIVITY | The increased activity was expected |
LEGITIMATE_ACCOUNTS | The increased activity was caused by legitimate accounts |
LEGITIMATE_DMS | The increased activity was caused by legitimate DMs |
DM_SPAM | The increased activity was caused by DM spam and the spammers were removed |
JOIN_RAID | The increased activity was caused by a join raid and the raiders were removed |
OTHER | The increased activity was caused by another reason |
Example AutoMod Incident Notification Embed
{"type": "auto_moderation_notification","fields": [{"name": "notification_type","value": "raid","inline": false},{"name": "raid_datetime","value": "2023-08-15 22:25:33.184657+00:00","inline": false},{"name": "raid_type","value": "JOIN_RAID","inline": false},{"name": "join_attempts","value": "25","inline": false},{"name": "dms_sent","value": "0","inline": false},{"name": "resolved_reason","value": "LEGITIMATE_ACTIVITY","inline": false}]}
AutoMod Rule Object
AutoMod Rule Structure
Field | Type | Description |
id | snowflake | The ID of the rule |
guild_id | snowflake | The ID of the guild which this rule belongs to |
name | string | The name of the rule |
creator_id | snowflake | The ID of the user that created the rule |
event_type | integer | The type of event that triggers the rule |
trigger_type | integer | The type of trigger that invokes the rule |
trigger_metadata | trigger metadata | Metadata used to determine whether the rule should be triggered |
actions | array[automod action object] | The actions that will execute when the rule is triggered |
enabled | boolean | Whether the rule is enabled |
exempt_roles | array[snowflake] | The IDs of the roles that won't be affected by the rule (max 20) |
exempt_channels | array[snowflake] | The IDs of the channels that won't be affected by the rule (max 50) |
Example AutoMod Rule
{"id": "969707018069872670","guild_id": "613425648685547541","name": "Keyword Filter 1","creator_id": "423457898095789043","trigger_type": 1,"event_type": 1,"actions": [{"type": 1,"metadata": { "custom_message": "Please keep financial discussions limited to the #finance channel" }},{"type": 2,"metadata": { "channel_id": "123456789123456789" }},{"type": 3,"metadata": { "duration_seconds": 60 }}],"trigger_metadata": {"keyword_filter": ["cat*", "*dog", "*ana*", "i like c++"],"regex_patterns": ["(b|c)at", "^(?:[0-9]{1,3}\\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$"]},"enabled": true,"exempt_roles": ["323456789123456789", "423456789123456789"],"exempt_channels": ["523456789123456789"]}
AutoMod Trigger Type
Characterizes the type of content which can trigger the rule.
Value | Name | Description |
1 | KEYWORD | When message content contains words from a user defined list of keywords (max 6) |
3 | SPAM | When message content represents generic spam (max 1) |
4 | KEYWORD_PRESET | When message content contains words from internal predefined wordsets (max 1) |
5 | MENTION_SPAM | When message content contains more unique mentions than allowed (max 1) |
6 | USER_PROFILE | When a user's profile contains words from a user defined list of keywords (max 1) |
7 | GUILD_POLICY | When a user violates the guild rules (max 1) |
AutoMod Trigger Metadata
Additional data used to determine whether a rule should be triggered. Different fields are relevant based on the trigger type.
Field | Type | Description | Trigger Type |
keyword_filter 1 | array[string] | Substrings which will be searched for in content (1-60 characters, max 1000) | KEYWORD , USER_PROFILE |
regex_patterns 2 | array[string] | Regular expression patterns which will be matched against content (1-260 characters, max 10) | KEYWORD , USER_PROFILE |
presets | array[integer] | The internally predefined wordsets which will be searched for in content | KEYWORD_PRESET |
allow_list 3 | array[string] | Substrings which should not trigger the rule (1-60 characters, max 100 or 1000 respectively) | KEYWORD , KEYWORD_PRESET , USER_PROFILE |
mention_total_limit | integer | Number of unique role and user mentions allowed per message (max 50) | MENTION_SPAM |
mention_raid_protection_enabled | boolean | Whether to automatically detect mention raids | MENTION_SPAM |
1 A keyword can be a phrase which contains multiple words. Wildcard symbols can be used to customize how each keyword will be matched. Each keyword must be 60 characters or less.
2 Only Rust flavored regex is currently supported, which can be tested in online editors such as Rustexp. Each regex pattern must be 260 characters or less.
3 Each allow_list
keyword can be a phrase which contains multiple words. Wildcard symbols can be used to customize how each keyword will be matched. Rules with KEYWORD
trigger types accept a maximum of 100 keywords. Rules with KEYWORD_PRESET
trigger types accept a maximum of 1000 keywords.
AutoMod Keyword Preset Type
Value | Name | Description |
1 | PROFANITY | Words that may be considered forms of swearing or cursing |
2 | SEXUAL_CONTENT | Words that refer to sexually explicit behavior or activity |
3 | SLURS | Personal insults or words that may be considered hate speech |
AutoMod Event Type
Indicates in what event context a rule should be checked.
Value | Name | Description | Trigger Type |
1 | MESSAGE_SEND | When a member sends or edits a message in the guild | KEYWORD , SPAM , KEYWORD_PRESET , MENTION_SPAM , GUILD_POLICY |
2 | GUILD_MEMBER_EVENT | When a member joins or updates their profile | USER_PROFILE |
AutoMod Keyword Matching Strategies
Use the wildcard symbol (*
) at the beginning or end of a keyword to define how it should be matched. All keywords are case insensitive.
Prefix - Word must start with the keyword
Keyword | Matches |
cat* | catch, Catapult, CAttLE |
tra* | train, trade, TRAditional |
the mat* | the matrix |
Suffix - Word must end with the keyword
Keyword | Matches |
*cat | wildcat, copyCat |
*tra | extra, ultra, orchesTRA |
*the mat | breathe mat |
Anywhere - Keyword can appear anywhere in the content
Keyword | Matches |
*cat* | location, eduCation |
*tra* | abstracted, outrage |
*the mat* | breathe matter |
Whole Word - Keyword is a full word or phrase and must be surrounded by whitespace
Keyword | Matches |
cat | cat |
train | train |
the mat | the mat |
AutoMod Action Object
An action which will execute whenever a rule is triggered.
AutoMod Action Structure
Field | Type | Description |
type | integer | The type of action |
metadata? 1 | action metadata | Additional metadata needed during execution for this specific action type |
1 See the "Action Type" column in action metadata to understand which type
values require metadata
to be set.
AutoMod Action Type
Value | Name | Description |
1 | BLOCK_MESSAGE | Block a member's message and prevent it from being posted; a custom explanation can be specified and shown to members whenever their message is blocked |
2 | SEND_ALERT_MESSAGE 1 | Log user content to a specified channel |
3 | TIMEOUT_USER 2 | Timeout user for a specified duration |
4 | QUARANTINE_USER 3 | Block guild join, profile update, or quarantine user indefinitely; quarantined users, similar to timed out users, are prevented from interacting with the guild in any way |
action can be set up for GUILD_POLICY
trigger types.
action can only be set up for KEYWORD
trigger types. The MODERATE_MEMBERS
permission is required to use the TIMEOUT_USER
action type.
action can only be set up for USER_PROFILE
trigger types. The MODERATE_MEMBERS
permission is required to use the QUARANTINE_USER
action type.
AutoMod Action Metadata
Additional data used when an action is executed. Different fields are relevant based on the action type.
Field | Type | Description | Action Type |
channel_id | snowflake | The channel where user content should be logged | SEND_ALERT_MESSAGE |
duration_seconds | integer | Duration (in seconds) after which the timeout expires (max 2419200) | TIMEOUT_USER |
custom_message? | string | Additional explanation that will be shown to members whenever their message is blocked | BLOCK_MESSAGE |
AutoMod Incidents Data Object
AutoMod Incidents Data Structure
Field | Type | Description |
raid_detected_at | ?ISO8601 timestamp | When the last raid was detected |
dm_spam_detected_at | ?ISO8601 timestamp | When the last DM spam was detected |
invites_disabled_until | ?ISO8601 timestamp | When invites will be re-enabled (max 24 hours from now) |
dms_disabled_until | ?ISO8601 timestamp | When DMs will be re-enabled (max 24 hours from now) |
Example AutoMod Incidents Data
{"raid_detected_at": "2024-01-01T18:00:00.000000+00:00","dm_spam_detected_at": "2024-01-01T18:00:00.000000+00:00","invites_disabled_until": "2024-01-01T18:00:00.000000+00:00","dms_disabled_until": "2024-01-01T18:00:00.000000+00:00"}
Get Guild AutoMod Rules
Returns a list of automod rule objects for the configured rules in the guild. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD
Get Guild AutoMod Rule
Returns an automod rule object for the given rule ID in the guild. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD
Create Guild AutoMod Rule
Creates a new automod rule in the guild. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD
permission. Returns an automod rule on success. Fires an Auto Moderation Rule Create Gateway event.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the rule |
event_type | integer | The type of event that triggers the rule |
trigger_type | integer | The type of trigger that invokes the rule |
trigger_metadata? 1 | trigger metadata | Metadata used to determine whether the rule should be triggered |
actions | array[automod action object] | The actions that will execute when the rule is triggered |
enabled? | boolean | Whether the rule is enabled (default false) |
exempt_roles? | array[snowflake] | The IDs of the roles that won't be affected by the rule (max 20) |
exempt_channels? 2 | array[snowflake] | The IDs of the channels that won't be affected by the rule (max 50) |
1 See the "Trigger Types" column in trigger metadata to understand which trigger types require trigger_metadata
to be set.
2 Only applicable to KEYWORD
trigger types.
Modify Guild AutoMod Rule
Modifies an existing rule in the guild. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD
permission. Returns an automod rule on success. Fires an Auto Moderation Rule Update Gateway event.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
name? | string | The name of the rule |
event_type? | integer | The type of event that triggers the rule |
trigger_metadata? 1 | trigger metadata | Metadata used to determine whether the rule should be triggered |
actions? | array[automod action object] | The actions that will execute when the rule is triggered |
enabled? | boolean | Whether the rule is enabled (default false) |
exempt_roles? | array[snowflake] | The IDs of the roles that won't be affected by the rule (max 20) |
exempt_channels? 2 | array[snowflake] | The IDs of the channels that won't be affected by the rule (max 50) |
1 See the "Trigger Types" column in trigger metadata to understand which trigger types require trigger_metadata
to be set.
2 Only applicable to KEYWORD
trigger types.
Delete Guild AutoMod Rule
Deletes a rule in the guild. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD
permission. Fires an Auto Moderation Rule Delete Gateway event.
Execute AutoMod Alert Action
Executes an alert action on an AutoMod alert. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD
permission. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Message Update Gateway event.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
channel_id | snowflake | The ID of the channel where the alert was sent |
message_id | snowflake | The ID of the AutoMod system message |
alert_action_type | integer | The type of alert action to execute |
Modify AutoMod Incident Actions
Sets the incident actions for the guild. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD
permission. Fires a Guild Update Gateway event.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
invites_disabled_until? | ISO8601 timestamp | When invites will be re-enabled (max 24 hours from now) |
dms_disabled_until? | ISO8601 timestamp | When DMs will be re-enabled (max 24 hours from now) |
Response Body
Field | Type | Description |
invites_disabled_until | ISO8601 timestamp | When invites will be re-enabled (max 24 hours from now) |
dms_disabled_until | ISO8601 timestamp | When DMs will be re-enabled (max 24 hours from now) |
Example Response
{"invites_disabled_until": "2024-01-01T18:00:00.000000+00:00","dms_disabled_until": "2024-01-01T18:00:00.000000+00:00"}
Resolve AutoMod Incident
Resolves an AutoMod incident. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD
permission. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Message Update Gateway event.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
alert_message_id | snowflake | The ID of the AutoMod system message |
reason | string | The reason for resolving the notification |
Report AutoMod Incident
Reports an ongoing raid AutoMod incident. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD
permission. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Message Create Gateway event.
Clear Mention Raid Incident
Clears a mention raid AutoMod incident. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD
permission. Returns a 204 empty response on success.