Voice Resource

Voice resources are used to interact with voice in Discord. For more information on connecting to voice, see the Voice Connections topic.

Voice State Object

Used to represent a user's voice connection status.

Voice State Structure
guild_id? 1?snowflakeThe guild ID this voice state is for
channel_id?snowflakeThe channel ID this user is connected to
user_idsnowflakeThe user ID this voice state is for
member? 1guild member objectThe guild member this voice state is for
session_idstringThe session ID this voice state is from
deafbooleanWhether this user is deafened by the guild, if any
mutebooleanWhether this user is muted by the guild, if any
self_deafbooleanWhether this user is locally deafened
self_mutebooleanWhether this user is locally muted
self_stream?booleanWhether this user is streaming using "Go Live"
self_videobooleanWhether this user's camera is enabled
suppressbooleanWhether this user's permission to speak is denied
request_to_speak_timestamp?ISO8601 timestampThe time at which the user requested to speak

1 Omitted in the Gateway guild object.

Example Voice State
"channel_id": "157733188964188161",
"user_id": "80351110224678912",
"session_id": "90326bd25d71d39b9ef95b299e3872ff",
"deaf": false,
"mute": false,
"self_deaf": false,
"self_mute": true,
"suppress": false,
"request_to_speak_timestamp": "2021-03-31T18:45:31.297561+00:00"

Voice Region Object

Voice Region Structure
idstringThe unique ID for the region
namestringThe name of the region
optimalbooleanWhether this is the closest to the current user's client
deprecatedbooleanWhether this is a deprecated voice region (avoid switching to these)
custombooleanWhether this is a custom voice region (used for events, etc.)


Get Voice Regions


Returns an array of voice region objects that can be used when setting a voice channel's rtc_region.

Get Guild Voice Regions


Returns a list of voice region objects that can be used when setting a voice channel's rtc_region. Unlike the similar Get Voice Regions route, this returns VIP servers when the guild is VIP-enabled.

Modify Current User Voice State


Updates the current user's voice state in the given guild ID. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Voice State Update Gateway event.

JSON Params
channel_id?snowflakeThe ID of the channel the user is currently in
suppress?booleanWhether the user is suppressed in the channel
request_to_speak_timestamp??ISO8601 timestampThe time at which the user requested to speak

There are currently several caveats for this endpoint:

  • channel_id must point to a stage channel
  • Current user must already have joined channel_id
  • You must have the MUTE_MEMBERS permission to unsuppress yourself; you can always suppress yourself
  • You must have the REQUEST_TO_SPEAK permission to request to speak; you can always clear your own request to speak
  • You can only set request_to_speak_timestamp to the present or a future time

Modify User Voice State


Updates another user's voice state in the given guild ID. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Voice State Update Gateway event.

JSON Params
channel_idsnowflakeThe ID of the channel the user is currently in
suppress?booleanWhether the user is suppressed in the channel

There are currently several caveats for this endpoint:

  • channel_id must point to a stage channel
  • Target user must already have joined channel_id
  • You must have the MUTE_MEMBERS permission
  • When unsuppressed, user accounts will have their request_to_speak_timestamp set to the current time; bot users will not
  • When suppressed, the user will have their request_to_speak_timestamp removed

Send Voice Channel Effect


Sends a voice channel effect to a voice channel. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Voice Channel Effect Send Gateway event.

JSON Params
animation_type??integerThe type of emoji animation, if applicable (default BASIC)
animation_id??integerThe ID of the emoji animation (0-20, default 0)
emoji_id? 1?snowflakeThe ID of the custom emoji to send
emoji_name? 1?stringThe emoji name or unicode character of the emoji to send
sound_id??snowflakeThe ID of the soundboard sound to send
source_guild_id??snowflakeThe ID of the sound's source guild, if applicable (not required)

1 The sent emoji is ignored if a sound_id is provided, as it is replaced with the sound's emoji.

Voice Channel Effect Animation Type
0PREMIUMA fun animation, requires a premium (Nitro) subscription
1BASICThe standard animation