Voice resources are used to interact with voice in Discord. For more information on connecting to voice, see the Voice Connections topic.
Voice State Object
Used to represent a user's voice connection status.
Voice State Structure
Field | Type | Description |
guild_id? 1 | ?snowflake | The guild ID this voice state is for |
channel_id | ?snowflake | The channel ID this user is connected to |
user_id | snowflake | The user ID this voice state is for |
member? 1 | guild member object | The guild member this voice state is for |
session_id | string | The session ID this voice state is from |
deaf | boolean | Whether this user is deafened by the guild, if any |
mute | boolean | Whether this user is muted by the guild, if any |
self_deaf | boolean | Whether this user is locally deafened |
self_mute | boolean | Whether this user is locally muted |
self_stream? | boolean | Whether this user is streaming using "Go Live" |
self_video | boolean | Whether this user's camera is enabled |
suppress | boolean | Whether this user's permission to speak is denied |
request_to_speak_timestamp | ?ISO8601 timestamp | When which the user requested to speak |
1 Omitted in the Gateway guild object.
Example Voice State
{"channel_id": "157733188964188161","user_id": "80351110224678912","session_id": "90326bd25d71d39b9ef95b299e3872ff","deaf": false,"mute": false,"self_deaf": false,"self_mute": true,"suppress": false,"request_to_speak_timestamp": "2021-03-31T18:45:31.297561+00:00"}
Voice Region Object
Voice Region Structure
Field | Type | Description |
id | string | The unique ID for the region |
name | string | The name of the region |
optimal | boolean | Whether this is the closest to the current user's client |
deprecated | boolean | Whether this is a deprecated voice region (avoid switching to these) |
custom | boolean | Whether this is a custom voice region (used for events, etc.) |
Get Voice Regions
Returns an array of voice region objects that can be used when setting a voice channel's rtc_region
Get Guild Voice Regions
Returns a list of voice region objects that can be used when setting a voice channel's rtc_region
. Unlike the similar Get Voice Regions route, this returns VIP servers when the guild is VIP-enabled.
Upload Voice Public Key
Uploads a persistent public key used for voice encryption. Returns a 204 empty response on success.
More Information
How do I generate and use this key?
More Information
How do I generate and use this key?
This key is used for persistent keypair signatures in the DAVE protocol. For further details, see the whitepaper.
Generating a keypair and signature can be done with the following Python pseudocode:
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
key_version | integer | The version of the persistent key protocol (currently 1) |
public_key | cdn data | The X9.62 P256 public key data |
signature | cdn data | An MLS style self-signature of the public key data with application label DiscordSelfSignature and content static_client_session_id:public_key |
Verify Voice Public Key
Verifies a user's persistent public key for voice encryption against their uploaded ones.
More Information
Where do I get this key?
More Information
Where do I get this key?
This key is used by another user to encrypt voice data. For further details, see the whitepaper.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
key_version | integer | The version of the persistent key protocol (currently 1) |
public_key | cdn data | The X9.62 P256 public key data |
Response Body
Field | Type | Description |
is_match | boolean | Whether the public key matches one of the user's uploaded persistent public keys |
Get Voice Filters Catalog
Returns the voice filters that can be used by the client.
Query String Params
Field | Type | Description |
vfm_version | integer | The version of the voice filter native module |
Response Body
Field | Type | Description |
models? | map[str, voice filter model object] | The ONNX machine learning models used by the voice filters |
voices? | arrayvoice filter | The voice filters available to the client |
Voice Filter Model Structure
Field | Type | Description |
url | string | The CDN URL to the ONNX model |
Voice Filter Structure
Field | Type | Description |
id | string | The ID of the voice filter |
models? | array[string] | The IDs of the ONNX models used by the voice filter |
requires_premium | boolean | Whether the voice filter requires a premium (Nitro) subscription |
available | boolean | Whether the voice filter is available to use |
Example Response
{"models": {"vocoder_large_1": {"url": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/assets/content/XXX.onnx"},"asr_large": {"url": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/assets/content/XXX.onnx"},"pitch_small_3": {"url": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/assets/content/XXX.onnx"}},"voices": [{"id": "skye","models": ["vocoder_large_1", "asr_large", "pitch_small_3"],"requires_premium": true,"available": true}]}
Get Current User Voice State
Returns the current user's voice state object in the guild.
Get User Voice State
Returns the specified user's voice state object in the guild.
Modify Current User Voice State
Updates the current user's voice state in the given guild ID. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Voice State Update Gateway event.
Modifying voice states is subject to some restrictions
Modifying voice states is subject to some restrictions
There are currently several caveats for this endpoint:
must point to a stage channel- Current user must already have joined
- You must have the
permission to unsuppress yourself; you can always suppress yourself - You must have the
permission to request to speak; you can always clear your own request to speak - You can only set
to the present or a future time
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
channel_id? | snowflake | The ID of the channel the user is currently in |
suppress? | boolean | Whether the user is suppressed in the channel |
request_to_speak_timestamp? | ?ISO8601 timestamp | When the user requested to speak |
Modify User Voice State
Updates another user's voice state in the given guild ID. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Voice State Update Gateway event.
Modifying voice states is subject to some restrictions
Modifying voice states is subject to some restrictions
There are currently several caveats for this endpoint:
must point to a stage channel- Target user must already have joined
- You must have the
permission - When unsuppressed, user accounts will have their
set to the current time; bot users will not - When suppressed, the user will have their
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
channel_id | snowflake | The ID of the channel the user is currently in |
suppress? | boolean | Whether the user is suppressed in the channel |
Send Voice Channel Effect
Sends a voice channel effect to a voice channel. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Voice Channel Effect Send Gateway event.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
animation_type? | ?integer | The type of emoji animation, if applicable (default BASIC ) |
animation_id? | ?integer | The ID of the emoji animation (0-20, default 0) |
emoji_id? | ?snowflake | The ID of the custom emoji to send |
emoji_name? | ?string | The emoji name or unicode character of the emoji to send |
Voice Channel Effect Animation Type
Value | Name | Description |
0 | PREMIUM | A fun animation, requires a premium (Nitro) subscription |
1 | BASIC | The standard animation |
Get Stream Preview
Returns a URL to a stream preview for the given stream key. Requires the CONNECT
permission in the stream's channel.
Response Body
Field | Type | Description |
url | string | The CDN URL to the stream preview |
Upload Stream Preview
Uploads a stream preview for the given stream key. User must be the owner of the stream. Returns a 204 empty response on success.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
thumbnail | image data | The stream preview image |
Broadcast Stream Notification
Broadcasts a stream notification to all friends of the current user that are in the same guild as the stream and have stream notifications enabled. User must be the owner of the stream and must be streaming in a guild. Returns a 204 empty response on success.