Discovery is a feature that allows users to find and join new communities on Discord, open to all guilds that meet the requirements. Discovery happens within the client or the marketing page.
A guild is considered discoverable by the API if it has the DISCOVERABLE
guild feature.
Additionally, any guilds within a directory channel the user has access to (guilds that have the HAS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY
guild feature), like in a student hub, are also considered discoverable relative to the user.
Searching Discovery
Discord utilizes Algolia to power search for discovery. You can search for guilds by name, description, keywords, and more. Reference the Algolia Search documentation for more information on how to search. A proxied version of the Algolia Search API is available, with limited parameter support.
Algolia Credentials
These credentials are for production only.
Discoverable Guild Object
A partial guild object returned from discovery, Get Emoji Guild, Get Sticker Guild, and Get Soundboard Sound Guild.
Discoverable Guild Structure
Field | Type | Description |
id | snowflake | The ID of the guild |
name | string | The name of the guild (2-100 characters) |
icon | ?string | The guild's icon hash |
description | ?string | The description for the guild (max 300 characters) |
banner | ?string | The guild's banner hash |
splash | ?string | The guild's splash hash |
discovery_splash | ?string | The guild's discovery splash hash |
features | array[string] | Enabled guild features |
vanity_url_code | ?string | The guild's vanity invite code |
preferred_locale | string | The preferred locale of the guild; used in discovery and notices from Discord (default "en-US") |
premium_subscription_count | integer | The number of premium subscriptions (boosts) the guild currently has |
approximate_member_count | integer | Approximate number of members in the guild |
approximate_presence_count | integer | Approximate number of online members in the guild |
emojis? 1 | array[emoji object] | Custom guild emojis; limited to 30 entries |
emoji_count? 1 | integer | Total number of custom guild emojis |
stickers? 1 | array[sticker object] | Custom guild stickers; limited to 30 entries |
sticker_count? 1 | integer | Total number of custom guild stickers |
auto_removed | boolean | Whether the guild has automatically been removed from discovery for not hitting required targets |
primary_category_id | integer | The ID of the primary discovery category set for the guild |
primary_category? 3 | discovery category | The primary discovery category set for the guild |
keywords | ?array[string] | The discovery search keywords for the guild (max 30 characters, max 10) |
is_published | boolean | Whether the guild's landing web page is currently published |
reasons_to_join? 2 | array[discovery reason object] | The reasons to join the guild shown in the discovery web page (max 4) |
social_links? 2 | ?array[string] | The guild's social media links shown in the discovery web page (max 256 characters, max 9) |
about? 2 | ?string | The guild's long description shown in the discovery web page (max 2400 characters) |
category_ids? 2 | array[snowflake] | The IDs of discovery subcategories set for the guild (max 5) |
categories? 3 | array[discovery category] | The discovery categories set for the guild (max 5) |
created_at? 2 | ISO8601 timestamp | When the guild was created |
1 The presence of these fields is dependent on the endpoint used to retrieve the guild. Get Emoji Guild will return emoji-related fields, and Get Sticker Guild will return sticker-related fields.
2 Only included when fetched from the Get Discovery Slug endpoint.
3 Only included when searching discovery.
Example Discoverable Guild
{"id": "752630786561409076","name": "Elite Creative","description": "The largest Fortnite Creative server across the globe. Join a Creative community offering events, 1v1s. and more!","icon": "278da1c7740e394657c1179f4782aef1","splash": "2b4ae5cdd71038b4880b1b57a6e5dacb","banner": "57e939e67aebaf232d28205603020b55","approximate_presence_count": 21125,"approximate_member_count": 155455,"premium_subscription_count": 17,"preferred_locale": "en-US","auto_removed": false,"discovery_splash": "9d7ec672b89b320ef7a51e5b6ae453b8","primary_category_id": 1,"vanity_url_code": "creative","is_published": true,"keywords": ["Fortnite","Creative","Fortnite Creative","Boxfights","Zonewars","Buildfights","1v1","EU","NA","Creator"],"features": ["ANIMATED_BANNER","ANIMATED_ICON","AUTO_MODERATION","BANNER","COMMUNITY","DISCOVERABLE","ENABLED_DISCOVERABLE_BEFORE","GUILD_ONBOARDING_EVER_ENABLED","GUILD_WEB_PAGE_VANITY_URL","INVITE_SPLASH","NEWS","PREVIEW_ENABLED","RAID_ALERTS_ENABLED","ROLE_ICONS","VANITY_URL","WELCOME_SCREEN_ENABLED"],"emojis": [],"emoji_count": 339}
Discovery Requirements Object
A guild's progress on meeting the requirements of joining discovery.
Discovery Requirements Structure
Field | Type | Description |
guild_id? | snowflake | The ID of the guild |
safe_environment? | boolean | Whether the guild has not been flagged by Trust & Safety |
healthy? | boolean | Whether the guild meets activity requirements |
health_score_pending? | boolean | Whether the guild's activity metrics have not yet been calculated |
size? | boolean | Whether the guild meets the minimum member count requirement |
nsfw_properties? | discovery NSFW properties object | Disallowed terms found in the guild's name, description, and channel names |
protected? | boolean | Whether the guild has the MFA requirement for moderation actions enabled |
sufficient 1 | boolean | Whether the guild meets the requirements to be in Discovery |
sufficient_without_grace_period 1 | boolean | Whether the grace period can allow the guild to remain in Discovery |
valid_rules_channel? | boolean | Whether the guild has a rules channel set |
retention_healthy? | boolean | Whether the guild meets the new member retention requirement |
engagement_healthy? | boolean | Whether the guild meets the weekly visitor and communicator requirements |
age? | boolean | Whether the guild meets the minimum age requirement |
minimum_age? | ?integer | The minimum guild age requirement (in days) |
health_score? | discovery health score object | The guild's activity metrics |
minimum_size? | ?integer | The minimum guild member count requirement |
grace_period_end_date? | ISO8601 timestamp | When the guild's grace period ends |
1 Certain guilds, such as those that are verified, are exempt from discovery requirements. These guilds will not have a fully populated discovery requirements object, and are guaranteed to receive only sufficient
and sufficient_without_grace_period
Discovery NSFW Properties Structure
Field | Type | Description |
channels? | array[snowflake] | The IDs of the channels with names containing disallowed terms |
channel_banned_keywords? | map[snowflake, array[string]] | The disallowed terms found in the given channel names |
name? | string | The guild name, if it contains disallowed terms |
name_banned_keywords? | array[string] | The disallowed terms found in the guild name |
description? | string | The guild description, if it contains disallowed terms |
description_banned_keywords? | array[string] | The disallowed terms found in the guild description |
Discovery Health Score Structure
Field | Type | Description |
avg_nonnew_communicators | ?string | Average weekly number of users who talk in the guild and have been on Discord for 8 weeks+ |
avg_nonnew_participators | ?string | Average weekly number of users who view the guild and have been on Discord for 8 weeks+ |
num_intentful_joiners | ?string | Average number of users who join the guild per week |
perc_ret_w1_intentful | ?float | Percentage of new members who remain in the guild for at least a week |
Example Discovery Requirements
{"guild_id": "1046920999469330512","safe_environment": true,"healthy": true,"health_score_pending": false,"size": true,"nsfw_properties": {"channels": ["1060703057651978261"],"channels_banned_keywords": {"1060703057651978261": ["risque"]},"name": "Alien Network","name_banned_keywords": ["alien"],"description": "Where the 👽s 👽 and sometimes very 👽 things happen 😨.","description_banned_keywords": ["👽"]},"protected": true,"sufficient": false,"sufficient_without_grace_period": true,"valid_rules_channel": true,"retention_healthy": true,"engagement_healthy": true,"age": true,"minimum_age": 56,"health_score": {"avg_nonnew_participators": "1738","avg_nonnew_communicators": "348","num_intentful_joiners": "834","perc_ret_w1_intentful": 0.37651924871356596},"minimum_size": 1000,"grace_period_end_date": "2037-07-01T17:47:49.974000+00:00"}
Discovery Metadata Object
A guild's discovery settings.
Discovery Metadata Structure
Field | Type | Description |
guild_id | snowflake | The ID of the guild |
primary_category_id | integer | The ID of the primary discovery category set for the guild |
keywords | ?array[string] | The discovery search keywords for the guild (max 30 characters, max 10) |
emoji_discoverability_enabled | boolean | Whether the guild is shown as a source through custom guild expressions |
partner_actioned_timestamp | ?ISO8601 timestamp | When the guild's partner application was actioned by an employee |
partner_application_timestamp | ?ISO8601 timestamp | When the guild applied for partnership |
is_published | boolean | Whether the guild's landing web page is currently published |
reasons_to_join | array[discovery reason object] | The reasons to join the guild shown in the discovery web page (max 4) |
social_links | ?array[string] | The guild's social media links shown in the discovery web page (max 256 characters, max 9) |
about | ?string | The guild's long description shown in the discovery web page (max 2400 characters) |
category_ids | array[snowflake] | The IDs of discovery subcategories set for the guild (max 5) |
Discovery Reason Structure
Field | Type | Description |
reason | string | The reason to join the guild |
emoji_id | ?snowflake | The ID of a guild's custom emoji |
emoji_name | ?string | The unicode character of the emoji |
Example Discovery Metadata
{"guild_id": "1046920999469330512","primary_category_id": 49,"keywords": ["test"],"emoji_discoverability_enabled": true,"partner_actioned_timestamp": null,"partner_application_timestamp": null,"is_published": false,"reasons_to_join": [{ "reason": "Alien", "emoji_id": null, "emoji_name": "👽" },{ "reason": "Alien", "emoji_id": null, "emoji_name": "👽" },{ "reason": "Alien", "emoji_id": null, "emoji_name": "👽" },{ "reason": "Alien", "emoji_id": null, "emoji_name": "👽" }],"social_links": [""],"about": "Alien\nAlien\nAlien\nAlien\nAlien\nAlien","category_ids": [48]}
Discovery Category Object
Discovery Category Structure
Field | Type | Description |
id | integer | The ID of the category |
name | string | The name of the category |
is_primary | boolean | Whether the category can be used as a guild's primary category |
Example Discovery Category
{"id": 1,"name": "Gaming","is_primary": true}
Get Discoverable Guilds
Returns a list of discoverable guild objects representing the guilds that are available for the current user to discover.
Query String Params
Field | Type | Description |
guild_ids? 1 | array[snowflake] | The IDs of the discoverable guilds to return (max 48) |
application_ids? 1 | array[snowflake] | The IDs of the applications to return matching discoverable guilds for (max 48) |
categories? 1 | array[integer] | The IDs of the discovery categories to filter results by |
limit? 2 | integer | The maximum number of guilds to return (max 48, default 48) |
offset? 2 | integer | Number of guilds to skip before returning guilds |
1 Only one of guild_ids
, application_ids
, or categories
may be specified. If both are specified, only guild_ids
or application_ids
is respected.
2 Pagination parameters are ignored if guild_ids
or application_ids
are specified.
Response Body
Field | Type | Description |
guilds | array[discoverable guild object] | The guilds that match the query |
total | integer | The total number of guilds that match the query |
limit | integer | The number of guilds returned in the response |
offset | integer | The number of guilds skipped before returning guilds |
Search Discoverable Guilds
Returns a list of discoverable guild objects that match the query.
Query String Params
Field | Type | Description |
query | string | The query to match (max 100 characters) |
limit? | integer | The maximum number of guilds to return (max 48, default 24) |
offset? | integer | Number of guilds to skip before returning guilds (max 2999) |
category_id? | integer | The ID of the discovery category to filter results by |
Search Published Guilds
Returns a list of discoverable guild objects that have a landing web page and match the query. This endpoint is a proxy for searching using the Algolia API. See the Algolia Search documentation for more information.
Query String Params
Field | Type | Description |
query? | string | The query to match |
limit? | integer | The maximum number of guilds to return (1-48, default 48) |
offset? | integer | Number of guilds to skip before returning guilds (max 2999) |
Get Discovery Slug
Returns information about a guild's landing web page or monetization store page.
This endpoint requires the guild to either be discoverable and published or have the CREATOR_STORE_PAGE
guild feature.
Response Body
Field | Type | Description |
slug | string | The guild's discovery slug; can be appended to to get the guild's discovery page |
guild? | discoverable guild object | The guild information, if the guild is discoverable |
store_page? | monetization store page object | The guild's monetization store page, if enabled |
Monetization Store Page Structure
Field | Type | Description |
guild | store page guild object | The guild information |
role_subscription | store page role subscription object | The guild's role subscription information |
Store Page Guild Structure
Field | Type | Description |
id | snowflake | The ID of the guild |
name | string | The name of the guild (2-100 characters) |
icon_hash | ?string | The guild's icon hash |
approximate_member_count | integer | Approximate number of members in the guild |
approximate_presence_count | integer | Approximate number of online members in the guild |
locked_server | boolean | Whether the entire guild is locked behind a role subscription |
invite | ?partial invite object | A special CREATOR_PAGE invite for the guild |
Store Page Role Subscription Structure
Field | Type | Description |
settings | role subscription settings object | The guild's role subscription settings |
group_listings | array[role subscription group listing object] | The guild's role subscription group listings |
trials | array[role subscription trial object] | The guild's role subscription trials |
subscriber_count | ?integer | The number of subscribers to the guild's role subscriptions, if public |
benefit_channels | array[partial channel object] | The channels that are unlocked by role subscriptions |
benefit_emojis | array[emoji object] | The emojis that are unlocked by role subscriptions |
purchase_page_invite | ?partial invite object | A special ROLE_SUBSCRIPTIONS invite for the guild |
Get Discovery Categories
Returns a list of discovery category objects representing the available discovery categories.
Query String Params
Field | Type | Description |
locale? | string | The language to return category names in (default "en-US") |
primary_only? | boolean | Whether to only return categories that can be set as a guild's primary category (default false) |
Validate Discovery Search Term
Checks if a discovery search term is allowed.
Query String Params
Field | Type | Description |
term | string | The search term to validate |
Response Body
Field | Type | Description |
valid | boolean | Whether the provided term is valid |
Example Response
{ "valid": true }
Get Guild Discovery Requirements
Returns the discovery requirements object for the guild. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD
Get Guild Discovery Metadata
Returns the discovery metadata object for the guild. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD
Modify Guild Discovery Metadata
Replaces the discovery metadata for the guild. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD
permission. Returns the updated discovery metadata object on success.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
primary_category_id? | ?integer | The ID of the primary discovery category set for the guild (default 0) |
keywords? | ?array[string] | The discovery search keywords for the guild (max 10) |
emoji_discoverability_enabled? | ?boolean | Whether the guild is shown as a source through custom emojis and stickers (default true) |
is_published? | ?boolean | Whether the guild's landing web page is currently published (default false) |
reasons_to_join? | ?array[discovery reason object] | The reasons to join the guild shown in the discovery web page (max 4) |
social_links? | ?array[string] | The guild's social media links shown in the discovery web page (max 256 characters, max 9) |
about? | ?string | The guild's long description shown in the discovery web page (max 2400 characters) |
Add Guild Discovery Subcategory
Adds a discovery subcategory to the guild. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD
permission. Returns a 204 empty response on success.
Remove Guild Discovery Subcategory
Removes a discovery subcategory from the guild. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD
permission. Returns a 204 empty response on success.