Relationships in Discord are used to represent friendships, pending friend requests, and blocked users. Game relationships are used to distinguish special bonds created while in-game.
Relationship Object
A relationship between the current user and another user.
Relationship Structure
Field | Type | Description |
id | string | The ID of the target user |
type | integer | The type of relationship |
user | partial user | The target user |
nickname | ?string | The nickname of the user in this relationship (1-32 characters) |
is_spam_request? | boolean | Whether the friend request was flagged as spam (default false) |
stranger_request? | boolean | Whether the friend request was sent by a user without a mutual friend or small mutual guild (default false) |
user_ignored | boolean | Whether the target user has been ignored by the current user |
origin_application_id? | ?snowflake | The ID of the application that created the relationship |
since? | ISO8601 timestamp | When the user requested a relationship |
Relationship Type
Value | Name | Description |
0 | NONE | No relationship exists |
1 | FRIEND | The user is a friend |
2 | BLOCKED | The user is blocked |
3 | INCOMING_REQUEST | The user has sent a friend request to the current user |
4 | OUTGOING_REQUEST | The current user has sent a friend request to the user |
5 | IMPLICIT | The user is an affinity of the current user |
Example Relationship
{"id": "852892297661906993","type": 3,"nickname": null,"user_ignored": false,"user": {"id": "852892297661906993","username": "alien","global_name": "Alien","avatar": "14733482e560d9267c0a414b21b2fb8d","discriminator": "0","public_flags": 64,"avatar_decoration_data": null,"primary_guild": null},"is_spam_request": false,"since": "2023-02-10T01:58:05.348000+00:00","stranger_request": false}
Game Relationship Object
An in-game relationship between the current user and another user, created using the social layer SDK.
Game Relationship Structure
Field | Type | Description |
id | string | The ID of the target user |
application_id | snowflake | The ID of the application whose game the relationship originated from |
type | integer | The type of relationship |
user | partial user | The target user |
since | ISO8601 timestamp | When the user requested a relationship |
dm_access_type | integer | The DM access level for the relationship |
user_id | snowflake | The ID of the current user |
Game Relationship Type
This enum is a subset of the relationship type enum, supporting only FRIEND
DM Access Type
This enum is unknown.
Example Game Relationship
{"user_id": "852892297661906993","application_id": "1237856342484717650","id": "1001086404203389018","type": 1,"since": "2025-01-22T00:26:18.616000+00:00","dm_access_type": 0,"user": {"id": "1001086404203389018","username": ".dziurwa","global_name": "Dziurwa💕","avatar": "f6c0363fbab45668fcf8f88fea56db9c","avatar_decoration_data": null,"discriminator": "0","public_flags": 4210944,"primary_guild": null}}
Friend Suggestion Object
A friend suggestion for the current user.
Friend Suggestion Structure
Field | Type | Description |
suggested_user | partial user object | The suggested user |
reasons | array[friend suggestion reason object] | The sources of the suggestion |
from_suggested_user_contacts? | boolean | Whether the suggested user has the current user in their contacts |
Friend Suggestion Reason Structure
Field | Type | Description |
type | integer | The type of reason |
platform | string | The platform that the suggestion originated from |
name | string | The user's name on the platform |
Friend Suggestion Reason Type
Value | Name | Description |
1 | EXTERNAL_FRIEND | The user is a friend on another platform |
Example Friend Suggestion
{"suggested_user": {"id": "852892297661906993","username": "alien","global_name": "Alien","avatar": "14733482e560d9267c0a414b21b2fb8d","discriminator": "0","public_flags": 64,"avatar_decoration_data": null,"primary_guild": null},"reasons": [{"type": 1,"platform_type": "contacts","name": "Gnarpy"}]}
Get Relationships
Returns a list of relationship objects for the current user.
Query String Params
Field | Type | Description |
with_implicit? 1 | boolean | Whether to include implicit relationships (default false) |
1 Only usable with OAuth2 requests. On non-OAuth2 requests, only user-created relationships will be returned.
Send Friend Request
Sends a friend request to another user, which can be accepted by creating a new relationship of type FRIEND
Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Relationship Add Gateway event.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
username | string | The username of the user to send a friend request to |
discriminator 1 | ?string | The discriminator of the user to send a friend request to, if not migrated |
1 null
for migrated users. See the section on Discord's new username system for more information.
Create Relationship
Creates a relationship with another user. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Relationship Add Gateway event.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
type? | integer | The relationship type to create (defaults to -1, which accepts an existing or creates a new friend request) |
from_friend_suggestion? | boolean | Whether the relationship was created from a friend suggestion (default false) |
friend_token? 1 | string | The friend token of the user to add as a friend |
1 Providing a valid friend token will bypass the user's friend request settings.
Ignore User
Ignores a user. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Relationship Add or Relationship Update Gateway event.
Unignore User
Unignores a user. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Relationship Update or Relationship Remove Gateway event.
Modify Relationship
Modifies a relationship to another user. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Relationship Update Gateway event.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
nickname? 1 | string | The nickname of the user in this relationship (1-32 characters) |
1 Only applicable to relationships of type FRIEND
Remove Relationship
Removes a relationship with another user. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Relationship Remove Gateway event.
Bulk Remove Relationships
Removes multiple relationships. Returns a 204 empty response on success. May fire multiple Relationship Remove Gateway events.
Query Params
Field | Type | Description |
relationship_type? | integer | Remove relationships with this relationship type (default INCOMING_REQUEST , only INCOMING_REQUEST is allowed) |
only_spam? | boolean | Whether to remove relationships that were flagged as spam (default false) |
Get Game Relationships
Returns a list of game relationship objects for the current user.
Send Game Friend Request
Sends a game friend request to another user, which can be accepted in-game by creating a new game relationship of type FRIEND
, or by the user independently.
Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Game Relationship Add Gateway event.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
username | string | The username of the user to send a game friend request to |
Create Game Relationship
Creates a game relationship with another user. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Game Relationship Add Gateway event.
Field | Type | Description |
type? | integer | The relationship type to create (defaults to -1, which accepts an existing or creates a new friend request) |
Create Game Relationship by Application
Accepts a game relationship from another user on a specific application. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Game Relationship Add Gateway event.
Field | Type | Description |
type? | integer | The relationship type to create (only FRIEND is allowed) |
Remove Game Relationship
Removes a game relationship with another user. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Game Relationship Remove Gateway event.
Remove Game Relationship by Application
Removes a game relationship with another user. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Game Relationship Remove Gateway event.
Get Friend Suggestions
Returns a list of friend suggestion objects for the current user.
Remove Friend Suggestion
Removes a friend suggestion for the current user. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Friend Suggestion Delete Gateway event.