Guild Scheduled Events
Scheduled events are a way to plan and organize events in a guild. They can be associated with a stage channel, voice channel, or an external location.
Guild Scheduled Event Object
Guild Scheduled Event Structure
Field | Type | Description |
id | snowflake | The ID of the scheduled event |
guild_id | snowflake | The ID of the guild the scheduled event belongs to |
channel_id 2 | ?snowflake | The ID of the channel in which the scheduled event will be hosted |
creator_id? 1 | ?snowflake | The ID of the user that created the scheduled event |
creator? | partial user object | The user that created the scheduled event |
name | string | The name of the scheduled event (1-100 characters) |
description? | ?string | The description for the scheduled event (1-1000 characters) |
scheduled_start_time | ISO8601 timestamp | When the scheduled event will start |
scheduled_end_time 2 | ?ISO8601 timestamp | When the scheduled event will end |
auto_start? 3 | boolean | Whether the event should automatically start at the scheduled start time |
privacy_level | integer | The privacy level of the scheduled event |
status | integer | The status of the scheduled event |
entity_type | integer | The type of scheduled event |
entity_id | ?snowflake | The ID of an entity associated with the scheduled event |
entity_metadata 2 | ?entity metadata object | Additional metadata for the scheduled event |
user_count? 4 | integer | The number of users subscribed to the scheduled event |
image? | ?string | The cover image hash for the scheduled event |
recurrence_rule | ?recurrence rule object | The definition for how often this event should recur |
guild_scheduled_event_exceptions | array[exception object] | Exceptions to the recurrence rule for this event |
1 creator_id
will be null and creator
will not be included for events created before October 25th, 2021, when the concept of creator_id
was introduced and tracked.
2 See field requirements by entity type to understand the relationship between entity_type
and the following fields: channel_id
, entity_metadata
, and scheduled_end_time
3 Only included in Gateway events. See the automations section for more info on how to determine this manually.
4 Only included when fetched from the Get Guild Scheduled Events or Get Guild Scheduled Event endpoints with with_user_count
set to true
Example Guild Scheduled Event
{"id": "1059954443799498922","guild_id": "1046920999469330512","name": "Alien meetup","description": "Aliens only!","channel_id": null,"creator_id": "787017887877169173","creator": {"id": "787017887877169173","username": "dziurwa","avatar": "cff3479a14360e4223f151eb8ad63dec","discriminator": "0","public_flags": 4194560,"banner": null,"accent_color": null,"global_name": "Dziurwa","avatar_decoration_data": null,"primary_guild": null},"image": "4b07ee3046773e8f2c8be856a70bd1a7","scheduled_start_time": "2023-12-31T23:00:00+00:00","scheduled_end_time": "2024-01-01T23:00:00+00:00","status": 1,"entity_type": 3,"entity_id": null,"recurrence_rule": null,"user_count": 7,"privacy_level": 2,"sku_ids": [],"guild_scheduled_event_exceptions": [],"entity_metadata": {"location": "somwhere in ocean"}}
Guild Scheduled Event Entity Metadata
Field | Type | Description |
location? 1 | string | Location of the event (1-100 characters) |
1 Required for events with an entity_type
Guild Scheduled Event Status
Value | Name | Description |
1 | SCHEDULED | The scheduled event has not started yet |
2 | ACTIVE | The scheduled event is currently active |
3 | COMPLETED 1 | The scheduled event has ended |
4 | CANCELED 1 | The scheduled event was canceled |
1 Once status
is set to COMPLETED
, the status
can no longer be updated.
Guild Scheduled Event Entity Type
Value | Name | Description |
1 | STAGE_INSTANCE | The scheduled event is in a stage channel |
2 | VOICE | The scheduled event is in a voice channel |
3 | EXTERNAL | The scheduled event is somewhere elseâ„¢ not associated with Discord |
4 | PRIME_TIME | The scheduled event is a prime time event |
Guild Scheduled Event Entity Type Validation
The following table shows field requirements based on current entity type.
Entity Type | channel_id | entity_metadata | scheduled_end_time |
STAGE_INSTANCE | required | null | - |
VOICE | required | null | - |
EXTERNAL | null | required with location | required |
Guild Scheduled Event Recurrence Rule Object
Discord's recurrence rule is a subset of the behaviors defined in the iCalendar RFC and implemented using Python's dateutil rrule.
Guild Scheduled Event Recurrence Rule Structure
Field | Type | Description |
start | ISO8601 timestamp | Starting time of the recurrence interval |
end 1 | ?ISO8601 timestamp | Ending time of the recurrence interval |
frequency | integer | How often the event occurs |
interval | integer | The spacing between the events, defined by frequency ; for example, frequency of WEEKLY and an interval of 2 would be "every other week" |
by_weekday | ?array[integer] | Specific days within a week for the event to recur on |
by_n_weekday | ?array[recurrence rule - n_weekday object] | Specific days within a specific week (1-5) to recur on |
by_month | ?array[integer] | Specific months to recur on |
by_month_day | ?array[integer] | Specific dates within a month to recur on |
by_year_day 1 | ?array[integer] | Specific days within a year to recur on (1-364) |
count 1 | ?integer | The total amount of times that the event is allowed to recur before stopping |
1 Cannot currently be set externally.
System limitations
Recurrence rules are powerful, but they have some specific restrictions
System limitations
Recurrence rules are powerful, but they have some specific restrictions
The current system limitations are present due to how reoccurring event data needs to be displayed in the client. In the future, we would like to open the system up to have fewer / none of these restrictions.
The following fields cannot be set by the client
The following combinations are mutually exclusive
- Only valid for daily and weekly events (
) - when used in a daily event (
)- The values present in the
event must be a "known set" of weekdays. - The following are current allowed "sets"
- Monday - Friday (
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
) - Tuesday - Saturday (
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
) - Sunday - Thursday (
[6, 0, 1, 2, 3]
) - Friday & Saturday (
[4, 5]
) - Saturday & Sunday (
[5, 6]
) - Sunday & Monday (
[6, 0]
- Monday - Friday (
- The values present in the
- when used in a weekly event (
array currently can only be have length of1
- i.e: You can only select a single day within a week to have a recurring event on
- If you wish to have multiple days within a week have a recurring event, please use a
- Also, see
below for "every-other" week information
- Only valid for monthly events (
) by_n_weekday
array currently can only have a length of1
- i.e: You can only select a single day within a month to have a recurring event on
and by_month_day
- Only valid for annual event (
) - both
must be provided - both
arrays must have a length of1
- (i.e. you can only set a single date for annual events)
can only be set to a value other than 1
when frequency
is set to WEEKLY
- In this situation, interval can be set to
- This allowance enables "every-other week" events
- Due to the limitations placed on
this means that if you wish to use "every-other week" functionality you can only do so for a single day.
Simple examples of some common Recurrent Rules
Simple examples of some common Recurrent Rules
Every weekday
Every Wednesday
Every other Wednesday
Monthly on the fourth Wednesday
Annually on July 24
Guild Scheduled Event Recurrence Rule - Frequency
Value | Name |
0 | YEARLY |
2 | WEEKLY |
3 | DAILY |
Guild Scheduled Event Recurrence Rule - Weekday
Value | Name |
0 | MONDAY |
4 | FRIDAY |
6 | SUNDAY |
Guild Scheduled Event Recurrence Rule - N_Weekday Structure
Field | Type | Description |
n | integer | The week to reoccur on (1-5) |
day | integer | The day within the week to reoccur on |
Guild Scheduled Event Recurrence Rule - Month
Value | Name |
3 | MARCH |
4 | APRIL |
5 | MAY |
6 | JUNE |
7 | JULY |
8 | AUGUST |
10 | OCTOBER |
Guild Scheduled Event Exception Object
Represents an exception to the recurrence rule for a guild scheduled event.
Guild Scheduled Event Exception Structure
Field | Type | Description |
event_id | snowflake | The ID of the scheduled event the exception is for |
event_exception_id | snowflake | A snowflake representing when the scheduled event would have started without the exception |
is_canceled | boolean | Whether the scheduled event will be skipped on this recurrence |
scheduled_start_time | ?ISO8601 timestamp | The scheduled event's modified start time for this recurrence |
scheduled_end_time | ?ISO8601 timestamp | The scheduled event's modified end time for this recurrence |
Example Guild Scheduled Event Exception
{"event_id": "1341289071875461170","event_exception_id": "2117779587072000000","scheduled_start_time": "2030-02-18T00:01:00+00:00","scheduled_end_time": null,"is_canceled": false}
Guild Scheduled Event User Object
Represents a user's subscription to a guild scheduled event or override for a specific exception.
Guild Scheduled Event User Structure
Field | Type | Description |
guild_scheduled_event_id | snowflake | The ID of the scheduled event the user subscribed to |
guild_scheduled_event_exception_id? | snowflake | The ID of the specific exception this subscription is for, if any |
response | integer | The user's response to the scheduled event |
user_id | snowflake | The ID of the user that subscribed to the scheduled event |
user? 1 | partial user object | The user that subscribed to the scheduled event |
member? 1 | guild member object | Guild member data for the user in the scheduled event's guild, if any |
1 Only included when fetched from the Get Guild Scheduled Event Users endpoint.
Guild Scheduled Event User Response
Value | Name | Description |
0 | UNINTERESTED | User is not interested in the occurrence |
1 | INTERESTED | User is interested in the event or occurrence |
Get User Guild Scheduled Events
Returns an array of guild scheduled event user objects for the current user for a given guild.
Query String Params
Field | Type | Description |
guild_ids | snowflake | The guild ID to get the subscribed scheduled events for |
Get Guild Scheduled Events
Returns a list of SCHEDULED
guild scheduled event objects for the given guild.
Query String Params
Field | Type | Description |
with_user_count? | boolean | Whether to include the of users subscribed to each event (default false) |
Get Guild Scheduled Event
Gets a guild scheduled event. Returns a guild scheduled event object.
Query String Params
Field | Type | Description |
with_user_count? | boolean | Whether to include the of users subscribed to each event (default false) |
Create Guild Scheduled Event
Creates a guild scheduled event in the guild. Returns a guild scheduled event object on success. Fires a Guild Scheduled Event Create Gateway event.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
channel_id? 1 | snowflake | The ID of the channel in which the scheduled event will be hosted |
entity_metadata? 2 | entity metadata | Additional metadata for the scheduled event |
name | string | the name of the scheduled event |
privacy_level | integer | The privacy level of the scheduled event |
scheduled_start_time | ISO8601 timestamp | When the scheduled event will start |
scheduled_end_time? 2 | ISO8601 timestamp | When the scheduled event will end |
description? | string | the description of the scheduled event |
entity_type | integer | The entity type of the scheduled event |
image? | image data | The cover image for the scheduled event |
recurrence_rule? | ?recurrence rule object | The definition for how often this event should recur |
1 Optional for events with an entity_type
2 Required for events with an entity_type
Modify Guild Scheduled Event
Modifies a guild scheduled event. Returns the modified guild scheduled event object on success. Fires a Guild Scheduled Event Update and optionally a Stage Instance Create Gateway event.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
channel_id? 1 | ?snowflake | The ID of the channel in which the scheduled event will be hosted |
entity_metadata? | ?entity metadata | Additional metadata for the scheduled event |
name? | string | The name of the scheduled event |
privacy_level? | integer | The privacy level of the scheduled event |
scheduled_start_time? | ISO8601 timestamp | When the scheduled event will start |
scheduled_end_time? 1 | ISO8601 timestamp | When the scheduled event will end |
description? | ?string | the description of the scheduled event |
entity_type? 1 | integer | The entity type of the scheduled event |
status? 2 | integer | The status of the scheduled event |
image? | image data | The cover image for the scheduled event |
1 If updating entity_type
is required and must be set tonull
with alocation
field must be providedscheduled_end_time
must be provided
2 Only the following are valid status changes:
Delete Guild Scheduled Event
Deletes a guild scheduled event. Returns a a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Guild Scheduled Event Delete Gateway event.
Create Guild Scheduled Event Exception
Creates an exception to the recurrence rule for a guild scheduled event. Returns a guild scheduled event exception object on success. Fires a Guild Scheduled Event Exception Create Gateway event.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
original_scheduled_start_time | ISO8601 timestamp | When the scheduled event would have started without the exception |
is_canceled? | boolean | Whether the scheduled event will be skipped on this recurrence |
scheduled_start_time? | ?ISO8601 timestamp | The scheduled event's modified start time for this recurrence |
scheduled_end_time? | ?ISO8601 timestamp | The scheduled event's modified end time for this recurrence |
Modify Guild Scheduled Event Exception
Modifies an exception to the recurrence rule for a guild scheduled event. Returns the modified guild scheduled event exception object on success. Fires a Guild Scheduled Event Exception Create Gateway event.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
is_canceled? | boolean | Whether the scheduled event will be skipped on this recurrence |
scheduled_start_time? | ?ISO8601 timestamp | The scheduled event's modified start time for this recurrence |
scheduled_end_time? | ?ISO8601 timestamp | The scheduled event's modified end time for this recurrence |
Delete Guild Scheduled Event Exception
Deletes an exception to the recurrence rule for a guild scheduled event. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Guild Scheduled Event Exception Delete Gateway event.
Get Guild Scheduled Event User Count
Returns the number of users subscribed to a guild scheduled event.
Query String Params
Field | Type | Description |
guild_scheduled_event_exception_ids? | array[snowflake] | The IDs of the exceptions to return counts for (max 10) |
Response Body
Field | Type | Description |
guild_scheduled_event_count | integer | The number of users subscribed to the guild scheduled event |
guild_scheduled_event_exception_counts | map[snowflake, integer] | The number of users subscribed to each exception |
Example Response
{"guild_scheduled_event_count": 18,"guild_scheduled_event_exception_counts": {"1456059344486400000": 18}}
Get Guild Scheduled Event Users
Returns a list of users subscribed to a guild scheduled event.
Query String Params
Field | Type | Description |
before? | snowflake | Get users before this user ID |
after? | snowflake | Get users after this user ID |
limit? | number | Max number of users to return (1-100, default 100) |
with_member? | boolean | Whether to include possible guild member data (default false) |
upgrade_response_type? 1 | boolean | Whether to return the new response body format (default false) |
1 This parameter is ignored for bots as they always receive the new response body format.
Response Body
When upgrade_response_type
is set to true
, the response is a list of guild scheduled event user objects.
Otherwise, the response looks like this:
Field | Type | Description |
users | array[partial user object] | The users subscribed to the scheduled event, with an extra guild_member containing optional guild member data |
Create Guild Scheduled Event User
Subscribes the current user to a guild scheduled event. Returns a guild scheduled event user object on success. Fires a Guild Scheduled Event User Add Gateway event.
Delete Guild Scheduled Event User
Unsubscribes the current user from a guild scheduled event. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Guild Scheduled Event User Remove Gateway event.
Get Guild Scheduled Event Exception Users
Returns a list of guild scheduled event user objects subscribed to a specific guild scheduled event exception.
Query String Params
Field | Type | Description |
before? | snowflake | Get users before this user ID |
after? | snowflake | Get users after this user ID |
limit? | number | Max number of users to return (1-100, default 100) |
with_member? | boolean | Whether to include possible guild member data (default false) |
Create Guild Scheduled Event Exception User
Overrides the user's subscription to a guild scheduled event for a specific exception. Returns a subscribed guild scheduled event user object on success. Fires a Guild Scheduled Event User Add Gateway event.
JSON Params
Field | Type | Description |
response | integer | The user's response to the scheduled event exception |
Delete Guild Scheduled Event Exception User
Removes the user's subscription override for a specific exception. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Guild Scheduled Event User Remove Gateway event.
Guild Scheduled Event Status Update Automation
An active scheduled event for a stage channel where all users have left the stage channel will automatically end a few minutes after the last user leaves the channel
When an event with a status
and entity_type
has no users connected to the stage channel for a certain period of time (on the order of minutes), the event status
will be automatically set to COMPLETED
An active scheduled event for a voice channel where all users have left the voice channel will automatically end a few minutes after the last user leaves the channel
When an event with a status
and entity_type
has no users connected to the voice channel for a certain period of time (on the order of minutes), the event status
will be automatically set to COMPLETED
An external event will automatically begin at its scheduled start time
An event with an entity_type
at its scheduled_start_time
will automatically have status
set to ACTIVE
An external event will automatically end at its scheduled end time
An event with an entity_type
at its scheduled_end_time
will automatically have status
Any scheduled event which has not begun after its scheduled start time will be automatically cancelled after a few hours
Any event with a status
after a certain time interval (on the order of hours) beyond its scheduled_start_time
will have its status
automatically set to CANCELED
Guild Scheduled Event Permissions Requirements
Permissions to create an event with entity_type: STAGE_INSTANCE
Write Permissions (CREATE / UPDATE)
at the guild level or at leastMANAGE_EVENTS
for thechannel_id
associated with the eventMANAGE_CHANNELS
Read Permissions (GET)
associated with the event
Permissions to create an event with entity_type: VOICE
Write Permissions (CREATE / UPDATE)
at the guild level orMANAGE_EVENTS
for thechannel_id
associated with the eventVIEW_CHANNEL
associated with eventCONNECT
associated with event
Read Permissions (GET)
associated with the event
Permissions to create an event with entity_type: EXTERNAL
Write Permissions (CREATE / UPDATE)
at the guild level
Read Permissions (GET)
- No other permissions required